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Friday, November 5, 2010

Welcome To Jail

Welcome To Jail

Someone call the Sheriff! The guards are treating the children wrong. They won’t le t the children come out and play. They keep making the kids line up like they’re in the army or some bull. Now they want the kids to sit still and stay silent. Next, they’ll want them to go to sleep before midnight! I think we may need Child Protective Services on this one. OMG!
I hope they come soon. One of them just made the children make up their beds! The nerve! Trying to introduce discipline to the undisciplined. Where they do that at?

So the C.P.S. just told me to fuck off. Seriously! I thought the goal of C.P.S. was to protect children from abuse, mental and physical. Just because these children are prisoners. Just because they are legally considered adults. Can you believe they said, “It’s jail! Deal with it.” I mean really.
What kind of person can ignore such fragile people? They are crying out for help and no on is answering. How could you pretend not to hear.?
C.P.S. says if they encountered children this bad (they have), they would forget them and just let them end up in jail (they did). So that’s it then. These are the forgotten children. Children so bad their parents wish they could forget. But they are no longer children. They are adults, suffering from years of neglect and poor parenting. And no one told them. They have no idea. No idea. Should I? Should I be the one to say it?

I guess I should, since the babysitters don’t seem to care.

Children! Gather round. I’ll be brief but I must tell you now.

You are retarded. I mean that in the most literal way. Your psychoses have developed unchecked for years and now you are mentally challenged. You can’t think. And no one cared enough to tell you until now.
Left to develop unguided, you are now nothing but ego. You have absolutely no self-awareness so it is virtually impossible to see your sickness.

Let me get you a mirror.

Welcome to Jail! You are here because of what you’ve done, who you are, who you know or where you reside. Because of what you have done or failed to do, you are now a guest of the county or state. Bottom line, it’s your responsibility of lack thereof that’s brought you here.
Let’s start here, in this place you find yourself in currently.
You are now an inmate. While you have a few (very few) rights, know that you have fewer rights than any animal located within these borders. (Including rats) In fact there are more members of PETA than all the prison/inmate advocacy groups combined. You are also an adult, legally. While the lack of rights will have you feeling like a child, there is no one available who will care for you in jail. No one. In fact, your mama is probably happy for the break. She’s paying extra taxes this year just to show her appreciation. She’s been tired of your two-pm waking up ass for years now with no idea of what to do. We were happy to help. She’s currently renting out your room to one of our correction officers. It’s a good arrangement for both.
Because of you, she can afford the extra taxes, the little change she may or may not put on your books and she’s going on a cruise next week. If she does put money on your books, it’s not because she feels bad for not giving you money before, she’s paying you off to stay away. She wishes she’d have called crimestoppers along time ago.

No you are ours.

No worries.

We are ready for you.

The easiest way to bring someone back to reality is to destroy your comfort zone. That is our goal from the minute you enter our doors.
The holding tank is your last chance to find someone will to put up with your bullshit. Good luck!

No luck?



Have a seat on the stainless steel (Or stained wood-blood/piss stains) benches while we get your cell ready. It should only take five or six hours. What’s that? A hold up? Scratch that five or six hours. Just give us a few minutes…  Now, we have it right! It will now only be two or three days. We need to make sure your paperwork is thorough. We wouldn’t want to lose you. (Tehehe) Plus, we ordered out. We wouldn’t want to get hot wing sauce on your paperwork. You’re in no rush anyway. Take a few more minutes to say good-bye to your clothes and any memory of the outside world.

You dressed in? That is, are you out of your clothes and into our uniform? (Some version of pajamas you will wear 24 hours a day for as long as we can keep you here.) How’s your back? Not completely destroyed yet? You can still squat and cough then? Go ahead. Thanks! You are now tagged and bagged. You’re officially an inmate now.
Let the fun begin!
Now let’s determine what type of inmate you are. Please answer and keep in mind these questions have absolutely nothing to do with your classification. We’ve already judged you we’re just killing time now.
By now, nothing but peanut butter should have you ready for some real food. How about some grits, pasta, hot dogs, rice and gravy, corn dogs, Italian sausage, and buckets of Kool-Aid? (Actual buckets) Sound good? Yep. Taste good? Not so much. At least you can watch an endless parade of food commercials so you can remember real food. Ahhh, the memories…
If you’re with us long enough, you may actually start to like this stuff. Maybe even look forward to it.
So now that you’ve settled in, lets examine how you’re going to spend this time with us.
You got options.
You can spend the time thinking about all the time you wasted. Or you can waste more
How can you waste more?
I knew you’d choose option two! I give you “Free Time”!
During this time you can mingle with you peers. You have ample opportunity to catch up on those food commercials we know you love so much. And we’ve strategically scheduled these times so you will not miss Jerry Springer. We have games for you and a fake outside so you can breath fresh-ish air in possibly a sliver of sun. Sound fun? It is!
Speaking of Jerry Springer, we give you two options of listening level. (We love to give you options.) You can either watch it inaudibly low or inaudibly high. What better way to direct you attention to the pictures than by eliminating those pesky words. Why do they talk on talk shows anyway? We know you been watching Jerry Springer for 19 of your twenty years of life. You can surely tell what each and every fight is all about by now.
If you can locate them, we also provide a selection of books to read. Hopefully, you won’t (OH! You will be staying a while?)…
We have books. If you like to and can read, good luck. Welcome to Jail!

If hygiene is your thing, we got that too. In a marvel of modern architecture and engineering we’ve designed a crack in a corner in the middle of the room for you to bath in. I know you’re quite used to these types of accommodations. So, shower away! And if you can remember, please pick up your pubes so the next inmate can at least pretend to be getting clean. (Oh you forgot? – and he… And it’s been filthy for quite a while? Hmmm.)
We’ll have to get someone to look at that. Perhaps your house man (Oh you don’t have one?)
Welcome to Jail. Moving on.
At Least we can keep the facilities clean. That is, we can provide you with cleaning supplies to clean up behind yourself and/or the last bum who was in your cell/dorm. Almost  every day you can clean you cell and the common area. (Huh?) (The mop bucket is filthy after only two rooms?) Well…
I’m sure you can still… (And the bleach is not bleach?)  Of course it’s not. That’s for your safety. (And you can’t get any bleach if you don’t get it first?) Well have you talked to a guard about it? (No response huh?) Can’t be that much dirt anyway. (There is? Wow! And the guards won’t give you any more bleach?)

Let’s talk about the guards. We’ve provided you a reunion of sorts.
Due to security issues and background requirements, we’ve hired some people you may know. The very same “lame” losers you picked on years ago or last week are here to watch you now. I’m sure they’ll do an excellent job. They seemed so happy to see you again. I’m sure you have tons to talk about.

Comfortable yet? No?

Feel like you’re being punished?


Welcome to Jail!

Monday, November 1, 2010

You Know

New poems are rare for me but sometimes I am moved as I was with this memory of ...

You know who you are
I had you
And I almost had you
But there was too much on my brain
I wanted to keep you
Then I couldn't keep you
When would I ever see you again
I loved you
But I never loved you
It was all just too much
I felt I knew you
Yet I never knew you
Just the tenderest touch
I should have kissed you
And I shouldn't have kissed you
Maybe know I wouldn't miss you
I should have came through
When I couldn't come through
Maybe both our dreams could have come true
I still want you
And I just want you
Give me everything I need
When I plant a seed
I won't plant my seed
I'll just give you all that you'll ever need
It's like you're there
But when you're not there
Why can't you always be here
I just want to tell you
What I don't want to tell you
Somehow I just want you to hear
Please go
Please don't go
Always stay within my reach
I want to hold you
Like I never held you
Feel you like I never felt you
And teach you what you mean to me
I don't know what the future holds
I just know future holds
Like in each others arms
For as long as we both shall be

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Crab (Word of the Day)

Crab (Word of the Day)

            When I first heard the phrase “crabs in a barrel”, I imagined a big deep barrel. What is truly amazing is how far from fact that really is. Go to any store that sells live crabs and look. Go now. I’ll wait…

(You can probably save time and YouTube it…)

            Notice the walls keeping the crabs inside are not that high at all. It is perfectly conceivable for one crab to get over the wall all by itself. This struck me one day when I was playing with/assisting the crabs.
            They all seemed dead or extremely slow. Some were upside down and, since I like crabs so much, I decided to flip them back over. I had flipped over two who both immediately came alive almost as if I was not helping but instead troubling them. When I came upon a third, a fourth crab quickly came out of nowhere and snapped me! I took it quite personal.
            Here I was trying to helpa fallen comrade and this MFer wants to snap me! Crab Assed Niggahs!

Friday, October 1, 2010


So I’m in jail, hopefully for the last time. Would saying this is so contrary to what was expected of me fifteen years ago be an understatement? I still thank God, I’ve avoided REAL prison. He knows, I could have been there too. (Ah-Hem-Hmm)
There are five counties in the immediate Atlanta metropolitan area. I’ve seen the inside of four of their jails. I didn’t think anything of it the first couple of times. I made some mistakes. (A lot of them drunk mistakes) I wouldn’t repeat them. But this year, it became apparent. I haven’t repeated any specific behaviors. But I also haven’t changed my mentality.
I picked up this quote sometime in 2009. “The path of least resistance makes all rivers, and some men, crooked” – Napoleon Hill. I think I get it now. I was one of those men. I’ve been going with the flow for far too long. Some kind of way, I’ve flowed into niggardom. That (niggardom) is the negativity, depression and hopelessness plaguing most of America.
I must get out, if only to show the rest of America how to get out of it. But seriously, I got things to do. I’m late for an innumerable amount of appointments with destiny. I hope I can reschedule.
I’ve seen enough. I’ve learned what I needed to. Time to get back on track. We now return to our regularly scheduled program. This was just a test. No let’s see if I passed.
The blessing is always being able to remember who I am. The other blessing is I’m not too far off track. Niggardom will have you believe all is lost. Never was that the case. I have been flowing. I just got off on the scenic route. The expressway is just around the corner. I’m gone!
I won’t forget those I left behind. If I can get out, everyone can. Some can’t see it and I can’t help them from the inside. Once I get out though. I’ll show them the way. After that, it’s up to them. Most won’t come. Thank God for the few who will.
There was also a time when I wouldn’t be honest about where I’ve been. Actually, it was quite recently. While I might have recounted exploits and situations, I did so with a detachment that wasn’t honest about the mental and social state I was in.
There is no need to be apologetic about who I am. God loves me. My family loves me. My friends love me. (An amazing number still love me!) I finally figured out, that would never change. All I have to do is be myself.
Today, I admit my guilt. I’m guilty of being dishonest. I was so scared to be myself, I was dishonest about who I was. I lay my sin at the cross. If the unyielding Love of God, My family and my friends is any indication, I’ve been forgiven long ago. I realize it now. Now I am free to be 100% of the me I am.
Now that I am free physically and mentally, I have no fear of bondage literally or figuratively. Once again, the sky is the limit. The Easy Rider is now a juggernaut. Watch out world. Jason is Free!

Monday, September 13, 2010

What I Learned Over A Month Ago

I’ve been neglecting myself for quite a while now. For what, I have no idea. All I know is I should have been finished with The Master Key System a looonnng time ago. I have a growing list of books to read. And I keep losing deals. Again…no idea why or for what purpose…

Seriously, I have the time to do all those things. Sad to say, I truly haven’t been living.

So, I go back and start over. Not really over but I try to remember where I was when I fell off track. I go back there not to start off on the same path but a completely new one. I only need to be back on my foundation in order to test the limits all over again.

Getting off track is falling into a rut. This rut right here just may be the biggest and longest one I’ve ever been in. Four Years! Deep down in the bowls of niggardom! And it’s not Atlanta. But part of getting out of this rut requires leaving Atlanta behind. So this is the farewell tour.

So I missed the last Sunday of Father John visiting another church but I got something from him the week before. By reading Genesis 18, Colossians 2 and Luke 11 we learn that ALL that we ask for will be given. ALL. That means be careful what you wish for.’

I still hadn’t written this down. The next week I went to a different church wide open to receive any amount of God that was in the building. There was a lot. And they filled in the rest of this unwritten blog.

The focus of most Christian churches is being a good Christian. The shift has been
not being A Christian but being Christian. (Re Read that once or three times) Those are two very different things. A Christian goes to a Christian church, follows the church rules, is involved in some activities at the church and may or may not be attempting to be more Christian. Someone who is Christian is exactly what it means. That person is (or is actively working on being) Christ like.

At Destiny the focus was on pointing out some key differences between a Christian and a Christ-like person. Being a Christian is a stop along the way of a person’s spiritual journey. Unfortunately, most people stay there. They become “Spiritual Knock-Offs”. Since they can say they are Christians, they’re done growing. It’s hard to realize when you’ve only partially surrendered when your Knock Off looks so good. I mean you’ve done all the baptism and catechism and altar calls and new member’s class and you joined the usher board and you got a solo one time because the whole rest of the choir caught mono (Seriously, ALL of them had it) and you got a Jesus fish on your car and you have ALL the Donnie McClurkin CDs.

And this is the rut you’ve been in for years and years. You are no further along on your spiritual journey than you were seven years ago. You’ve been praying a certain way for years. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. And that’s good enough. But it’s SO not.

Almost is good enough in horseshoes. This is our eternal life. And we’re poking around. Dipping our toes in the water. And we get away with it (we think). We can say “I gave in to God a long time ago.”
That just may be the problem.
A long time ago we answered someone’s alter call. It’s been years and years. So long, you can’t even remember what the secular radio stations sound like. But nothing has changed. You know it. But you don’t want to make any more changes. Why not? Jesus was meditating and praying and being tested and growing up until the last minutes of his life.

Release, surrender, and give up control. The worst thing you can do is hold on to something God wants you to give up. Give it up. Let it go (John 12:24, 25)
You know what it is. You know what you need to do but you don’t really feel like doing it. Listen to the words all around you. My church sings a song called “Taste and See” every week.

Just say yes.

Say yes to growth. Say yes to being Christian, to being Christ-like. Say yes to getting out of your rut. Say yes to continuing the journey. Say yes to a new life everyday. Today is the first day of the rest of your life – everyday!

Be good!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I have just encountered a new type of retard. That is the political retard. Specifically, the Republitard.

The Republitard is just one of many types of people who don’t/can’t think for themselves and perpetuate ideas and philosophies about which they know nothing. The republitard constitutes the majority of the voting population of the Republican Party.

In the Ronald Reagan article I posted on Facebook, Ronald Reagan had a reputation for lowering taxes. In fact, He trimmed tax breaks and increased Social Security tax. In the end, he kept tax revenue at the same point it’s always been. What he essentially did was cut taxes for the rich and increase taxes for the rest of America. And he spent more! Without a major war!

Republitards are no different than “Christians” who don’t read the bible. They are no different than bandwagon sports fans. No different than militants who get their first taste of revolution. They are so gung-ho about everything and have no idea what they are talking about. None.

People like noise. It stops them from thinking. Unfortunately, what happens is people start thinking for them. It’s easy for charismatic people to be so passionate about tax breaks for the upper class. Their charisma has carried their incomes to that same upper class. They are directly affected by the causes they fight so passionately for. And they fight so passionately that the ignorant Republitards also believe they are directly affected.

So let me be clear. Republitards think they are rich. They think they are white. They think they are as charismatic as their leaders. For one, all Republican Hispanics are Republitards. They got the people elected in Arizona who are now trying to get rid of them. All Republicans who make less than 250,000 dollars a year are Republitards. They are running around crying about tax breaks when only people who make 250,001 dollars or more will be affected. Now THAT’s retarded.

How do you not know how much money you have? Only 5% (I’m being nearly doubly generous) of Americans make that much or more. As of September 1, 2010, 33.8% of American voters are registered Republicans. Assuming everyone in that 5% is Republican (Yeah Right! Like God blesses that many fools), 85% of Republicans are Republitards and/or flat out stupid. Since 35% of the voting population is Democrat we can assume safely that half of that 5% is Republican which means 93% (I rounded up. We are talking about retards. Some of them probably paid too much taxes trying to floss) of Republicans are Republitards. That’s almost all of them.

Essentially what I’m saying is, it’s retard to be Republican.

Come back next week when I show you how it’s retarded to be a Democrat.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Church Sex

Church Sex

Church is the new speed dating. Church is better than Tagged, It’s better than Eharmony, It’s better than the club, And dare I say, it’s better than FB. And there IS sex. Lots of hot steamy sex.

I’m not exactly sure how it works but it does. Isn’t that the way church is anyway? No details. Just go and let the spirit move you. Remain open. Stay cool calm and patient. And let the blessings just rain down on you.
You don’t have to dress up, just come as you are. You don’t even need a job or money. You don’t really need to have your shit together at all. Church people like to fix other people.
But there is no faking church. No jumping up and running into the first church on your block. NO parking lot pimping in front of church. The key to church dating is honesty. There is no talking about sex specifically but in all other areas complete honesty and full disclosure are required at all times.
That means you must practice your actual religion. If you aren’t looking to get married, you must say so. Your church will provide people with loose dating morals for you. You must find a church that fits your needs. Once you have found that right fit, join something in the church and let the dating begin.
Just remember, no naked-dicking!

The Lights, The Fame, The Infant, The Fans and The Rapist

The Lights, The Fame, The Infant, The Fans and The Rapist

I distinctly remember Magic vs Bird in the Finals, the famous Converse commercial and the Jordan vs Bird video game I used to play all the time. I watched Joe Montana engineer “The Drive”. I even remember my dad rooting for his hometown Pistons when Isaiah Thomas did it back to back. The eighties were magical (in every sense of the word). Those were teams then. TEAMS! Kareem’s retirement from the Lakers…I didn’t realize at the time that I would never see anything like it again. The nineties brought a change. The end of an era. There will never be anything like it again. (Understatement)

Michael Jordan was more than the Greatest Of All Time. He was the last of a virtually extinct breed. The athlete-showman. A professional on and off the court. After Jordan, it was all about the money. Deion Sanders became the highest paid defensive player in the NFL and led the way for the lowest paid athletes (football players) to become the highest paid. The term Franchise player was coined as team after team threw away Hundreds of millions on individuals. In the meantime, teams and franchises continued to win. Just ask the Rangers who know how to write a big check but have never seen a World Series. And then the players went crazy…
…Pete Rose gambled, Female figure skaters beat each other up, football players went from beating up their babies mamas to trying to kill them and Mike Tyson…Good ol’ Mike Tyson.

And teams still won. Not the Lakers (Van Exel) (just kidding. It wasn’t his fault, Vlade) but Teams. And then 9/11 happened. Sorry New Englanders but the Patriots weren’t supposed to win that first one. After that one was slipped by us, [Seriously, that was not a pass or anything close to forward motion. And it’s like they (Sports Center is in on it) never mentioned it again. NEVER] then came the onslaught. The Lakers won again but what should have been a decade long reign wasn’t. And individuals started getting slipped in here and there. Teams would win championships then fade away like Tampa Bay.

It’s become apparent that both athletes and owners have less and less loyalty. Less loyalty to fans, cities, history and each other. It’s all about the business of sports now. And the fans and the cities suffer. History be damned. Michael Jordan was the highest paid athlete in sports bringing in $80 million a year and only $2 million was from the Bulls. Magic Johnson signed what as a true franchise contract, $25 million for 25 years. Today, team loyalty is a joke. Months after Lebron James thanked his team for his MVP and a year after he lured Shaquille O’neal to Cleveland, The Infant abandoned his hometown and the team he built for The Lights.

Today, fatherless millionaires don’t have to behave for sponsors. They have guaranteed money. Fuck the fans. But not out loud. Michael Jordan probably never have been on Cribs. These new millionaires don’t seek our admiration. They seek our envy. And we give it to them. Wholeheartedly!

Today, players like Shaq are relegated to being Journeymen. Today, you have to by a new jersey every year because your favorite player keeps changing teams. Today, excuses are OK and prima donnas are the norm. It’s OK for players to throw games () because their feelings are hurt. Today, an ingrown toenail will sideline players in sports where men became famous for playing with broken bones.

Some may argue that sports is more of a business now. And they are absolutely right. What we fans fail to realize though is that every business sells a product. It is up to the public whether or not to buy that product. I saying now that all sports are selling an inferior product today. It’s wrapped up in a prettier package these days but compared to what we got in the past, today’s product is crap. The problem is they hooked us a long time ago…

What are we supposed to do? Turn off ESPN? Seriously? I guess we could ride it out in hopes that sports will turn things around. But how likely is it that things will improve before they get worse. Perhaps The Gay Athlete will be the one to turn things around. (Big Baby. It’s OK. We will love you anyway.) Perhaps The Rapist will come out and apologize for raping us all those years ago. Maybe we will finally get some closure so sports can mature past this Infant stage it’s in now. Or maybe we just need to be more like soccer fans and start tearing shit up so sports knows that we are severely dissatisfied with the product they are trying to sell us.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

From The Front Lines of Niggardom

From The Front Lines of Niggardom

My assault on niggardom has not achieved the desired results. (Yet.) While me relentless positivity(Can you believe that’s not a word! Yet) has influenced many and my blessings have grown, my focus on niggardom has attracted too much of the same. Like a trying to catch an evening breeze and turning the porch light on… niggahs and flies! With so many blessings it’s easy to get distracted and lose focus. All the while, negativity is building. (Like that rapid accumulation of bugs to porch lights.) Once you lose focus, there it is!

I was feeling myself. I had a good cash flow. I had a growing business. I had the attention of quite a few beautiful women. And I was patiently eager in anticipation of attention from one of the most beautiful women I have been blessed to come in contact with. I started slipping. Church went from weekly attendance to online to barely catching one podcast a month. Daily words became weekly and my meditation was way WAY off.

Niggardom crept up and fit itself into one of those often overlooked aspects of my life. I felt it coming. I knew I was slipping. I tried to stay calm. I panicked. What could have been a slip became a trip, stumble, fumble and a huge fuck up. And now, I’m smack dab in the middle of niggardom. Everything I said I was against, I ended up promoting. And here I am with Amos and Andy. I started out reporting from the field, now I’m on the front line.

And it is everything I said it was. Except, I never mentioned, there is still a light. In the deepest darkest dumberest recesses of niggardom, there is still a light. I had to lock in on it. I had to regain my focus. One of the best things about being in there is I have plenty of time to read, write, meditate, pray, help and teach. The light can grow. I can still grow.

I can regain my focus. I always had the time. God forced me to take it. He showed me light. While the devil had “Amos and Andy” telling me it could get darker, God sent me a light. He spoke and said – find the time and space to be quiet. Only when you are quite can you connect/reconnect to your holy spirit. The holy spirit will focus your energy and attract what’s best for you.

The devil is all about noise. Niggardom is loud! The noise is just distraction. Distraction can be attractive but it is purely nothing. The devil likes you to be filled with nothing so he can replace the space with negativity. So I practice tuning the noise out.

I have been blessed with the ability to tune it out for years. I realize it now. It takes focus and practice to master any skill. I can think in the loudest and most ignorant noise. I can sleep on top of the loudest bass speakers. If I can sleep and I can think, I can meditate. If I can meditate, my light can grow. If I can meditate, I can see the light in the darkness. Any darkness. Because every darkness has a light. (Even Charlie Murphy!) How do you even recognize darkness without light.

So I stay quiet in the midst of the noise. I focus in the midst of confusion. I let my light shine fearlessly in the darkness. Where I once trusted light to be a hiding place of dark, I trust darkness to have plenty of room for the light. I taught Amos (Or Andy, whichever one is the skinny one) algebra. The light grew in both of us. I can see now that a fuck up become a fumble then a stumble to a trip and then a slip and we can all bounce back! So I just stop now. I may have to do it often but “the rush” will catch you slipping. And I’m not the gingerbread man, I’m a juggernaut. Just building momentum as slow as I choose. But building. And once I get going, I’ll never be stopped again.

Monday, July 12, 2010

School vs Jail

For $14,000 a year I got …

For $30,000 a year I got …

The Federal government will give you up to $10,000 a year, you can easily earn or borrow the $4,000 or $100/week for school. Local, State and Federal governments will spend $30,000 a year, you or your family/crackheads can add/donate an additional $5,000 a year for phone calls or overpriced ramen noodles and cookies. As responsible individuals, we must accept that this is our choice. (Regardless of guilt/innocence) Which would the government choose? The government would choose “C”. (Militarize everything and everyone) We’ll explore that more later.
Let’s examine the first two options.

In school, you get to share a room with people who “match” your interests. Later, for an additional $3,000 to $8,000 a year you can share a room, apt or house with people who match your “real” interests. For some, prevailing interests may lie with home cooked meals. Let’s just focus on on-campus housing for now. You get a buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner with selections that valiantly mix attempts at blending home cooking with local cuisine at its blandest. If you still want sustenance beyond the cafeteria you can supplement that with whatever will deliver late, wherever you can get to or whatever a mini-fridge and microwave can support.

In jail/prison you are provided with strategically portioned breakfast, lunch and dinner. You share a cell and dorm with people who “match” your interests. The higher up you go, the more similar the interests you share. (It’s like that in school as well) If three hots (room temperature) is not enough, you can supplement your meals with the aforementioned ramen noodles and cookies. Did I forget to mention the choice of meals? Why you can select from “dietary” (which consists of a cousine derived from the grouping of diabetic, vegan, and religious diets) or nothing (just don’t eat [But then they’ll come and make you]).
In school, health care is included. In jail, health care is extra. (Not very much at all, but still extra) And what you get is significantly different. Significantly! You get treated in school by the best and brightest up an coming PAs, surgeons, dentists, nurses, dermatologists and whatever else as well as very dedicated alumni. And I’m not talking about walking into the dental school to get your teeth jacked on my some C student. That’s what prisoners get. In jail/prison you get attended to by pay check chasers, bleeding heart morons, people who had nowhere else to go and those same C students from before. A broken finger in both places will get either a finger cast or a Popsicle stick. In one place, you’ll pay for a finger cast and get a Popsicle stick.

Schools gain notoriety and prominence by preparing individuals to enter and lead various workforces across diverse industries. Prisons gain notoriety and money by preparing and providing the most remedial and scary of workforces.

Surpisingly, both can become somewhat of a fashion show. Obviously school provides you with more options. It also provides you with alternatives for achieving status. In school intelligence is an easy road to status. In prison intelligence is also highly regarded however intelligence is simultaneously violently feared. In both the entrepreneurial spirit can thrive. The only difference is the promotion and reward. In prison, entrepreneurs risk being rewarded with The Hole. Both take a little work and dedication to get in. Getting out is where the difference lies, by FAR. Statistically, the more difficult task of getting out goes to prisons. Both can be coed. In school… (hmph! Nuff said.) In prison/jail you won’t even get to see your coeds (and you better not look!). I’ll end the comparisons there.

And then there’s option C. For approximately three weeks you will share quarters with up to twenty random individuals. After that, you get options. You can continue that type of living or you can upgrade to apt/house/cave living. The cuisine is better than school food but at times worse than jail/prison food. Supplementation is vastly improved by commissaries. Military healthcare rivals school health care. Ex-military can expect to prepared for success at any level. (Provided you don’t go crazy/crayish or get hook on drugs first) Any fashion/status will be earned by hard work (Or going to school). Intelligence is highly regarded provided you are smart enough to know when to speak and when to listen. The entrepreneurial spirit thrives similar to school and prison/jail. (I may note that neither of the three actually encourages entrepreneurial-ism) Promotion and reward can rival that in school. It takes a lot of work and dedication to stay, leaving is a little easier than prison/jail. The Coed status doesn’t rival school (nothing does-not even the NBA) but at least you can see them. And money. The government will spend over $30,000 a year on you for as many as 20 years (in rare cases, more). Again, governments will choose option C.

Unfortunately, it’s ultimately an individual decision. Larger numbers choose jail/prison. The majority chooses nothing. The decision is left to taxpayers and the government. Left to taxpayers to choose, they choose jail/prison. As an investment, school offers better returns by a landslide. Often, returns are seen with as little as one year’s investment.

This may seem like common knowledge but just take a look around. Everyone knows candles cost more than electricity. Yet, Americans are still paying for candles and not investing in electricity. Believe me. I’ve spent more money being primitive than I have being/becoming evolved. And I don’t think I’m alone. Am I?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Addicted To Life

Being inside the bowels of niggardom allows me to witness firsthand many of the human weaknesses that other humans exploit. This exploitation occurs on all levels of human society. It’s easier to spot at this level of niggardom because it’s not hidden in fancy dress or excuse. Niggardom at this level is pure. Weak preying on weaker and exposing each other as the same in the process.

It always amazed me the value of cigarettes have as currency in niggardom. Granted niggers and naked-dickers are more likely to suffer from nicotine addiction. It just amazes me. Perhaps by exploiting ones’ own exploitation, the weak find power? One thing is sure. Cigarettes and coffee are the epitome of addictive behavior. Here, addictive personalities are abundant. I should be able to see a solution to addiction here. Surely it can’t be to replace one addiction with another.

You wanna stop drinking, go to AA, pick up the coffee and cigarettes. You kicking cocaine, go to rehab a couple of times, pick up the cigarettes and coffee (there’s a difference!) or dive head first into a church. Sex your problem…

…I got nothing for that one…have more…just be careful…j/k…seriously, I got nothing.

So far, addiction has been the only solution for addiction. “Too much of anything makes you an addict”

So how do we promote moderation over addiction? There is so much “else” in the world. Unfortunately, one thing or another scares the addict from life. Living is the only way to find out about everything “else” there is out there.

Defense mechanisms and escapisms become habit. Habit tells us we don’t have time for anything else. Habit is comfortable. Comfort breeds complacency. Really, is habit the true thing we are ALL addicted to? Can we let go of the concept of good and bad habits? Is our real fear change? Is it so hard to switch up every once in a while? What about trying something new here and there?

I will admit, I have had moments where bad habits have prevailed over doing something new. How better to experience something than to experience it first hand. At the time, I thought it was better to be known by my habits, good or bad, than to just be a person who lived. I always wondered why at times I felt like I was dying while nothing was wrong. It was because I wasn’t living. I hate to be so black and white but – If you aren’t living, you are dying.

Everyone knows what living is. Everyone has a “bucket list.” How many of us have missed an opportunity due to habit? How long are you going to let habit and fear kill you. I had to write this to see a solution. Addiction is death on all levels. The only foil to death is life. The answer is to live!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Word Of The Day - Virgin

Word Of The Day

Every one knows the standard definition of virgin. But the is also an expansion on that definition. Because of this definition it is vital to share. The American Heritage defines virgins as: 1. A person who has not experienced sexual intercourse. (There are variations but we will focus on this one.)

Sexual intercourse or sex is the ultimate intimate experience. In the past few decades, sex has become increasingly casual. From exploration to playing hide and go get it to running trains to little kids having dick sucking parties (Its real, I saw it on Oprah), these children grow up into adults who don’t value sex as the experience that it is. In increasing number, we are encountering adults who have missed out on the essence of sex. These people have sexual experience but they haven’t experienced sex. They are virgins.
Because they haven’t experienced sex, virgins have no sexual identity. Virgins may have had sex but they aren’t sexual people. They aren’t sexpots, studs, sluts, whores, slores, sexy, hoes, prudes, stiff, cold fish or anything sexual. (Well maybe there are a few hoes in there…) Sadly, these women (and men) have largely never experienced orgasms or even the essential intimacy that is included in the sexual experience. SMH
Shout out to the brilliant explorer who discovered this expanded definition. I know people are increasingly private, so I won’t name names unless they are volunteered. (Or unless they deserve it!) I could write volumes on virgins but this was only a prelude to another train of thought. And with that:

The Virgin Curse

The virgin has been a prize since the days when we were all virgins. Oddly, the virgin was not the prize most of us sought. Even in college, when virgins were all stacked up and ready for the slaughter, my sexual A.D.D. didn’t allow me to focus on the prize of all prizes. I (I stole it and I don’t know that “the originator” wants to be associated with this) even took to expanding the term. [see above] I passed by quite a few prizes in my life simply because I didn’t have the time. It occurred to me now that I had time to reflect. No regrets but I do wonder about a new phenomenon known as The Virgin Curse.
In my reflections, I notice that those who did have time (to chase virgins) turned out to be not so nice. The results…MAJOR damage.
The damage done to any woman scorned is major. The damage done to a virgin…MAJOR.
I have been remembering some of the “virgins” I’ve encountered in my life. Up to twenty years later, ”the ghosts of conquests past” have some stories to tell. But that’s not what this is about. This is about fulfillment.
The others took a lot. They took your innocence. They took your time. They took your hearts. And they left you. They left you all alone. They left you with children. They left you burned, scorned, used and abused. You are all definitely different now.
I wondered about a “virgin curse”. I asked myself if I had to pay for the sins of others. For passing you by and passing you on to charlatans. At one time I placed you so high up on a pedestal, I thought you were out of my reach. Others came and knocked you down. Knocked you down and knocked you up. Knocked you around. But you got back up.
So I will fulfill. Because you’re still here. I still can’t have you, my virgins. Maybe I was never meant to. I never had to fix you. Because you’re still you. I was just sent to remind you. After all these years. After all the tears. You’re still here. Pedestal and all! I you need a boost to get back up there…just call.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Greatest Gift

My greatest gift has also been my greatest curse. NO LONGER.

I always asked questions but I stopped expecting them to be answered directly. I always find out on my own. Sometimes that meant learning the hard way. Lately, that hasn’t been working for me. Learning the hard way, that is. A persepeective shift allows me to see my gift as only that. I can ask questions and I can find my own answers but I don’t always have to learn the hard way. I can be more patient when seeking cooperation. I can be because I will it to be.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Daily Words For One Week

I am free and unlimited.

Freedom is more than a state of being; it is also astate of mind. When my mind is free, I am at peace. I am open to the wisdom of God, the wisdom that leads me to hoy and fulfillment.
As I open my mind and heart to God, I am free. In realizing me oneness with God, I release the chains of negative thought and limitation and adopt and inner knowing of love and freedom. The words of a favorite hymn remind me: I am free. I am unlimited. There are no chains that bind me. I am free. I am unlimited, right now! Right now, I feel peace and freedom. Right now, I let go of the past and move forward in my life. Right now, I begin anew with a free spirit and joyful heart.

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, O righteous and shout for joy, all you upright in heart.
-Psalm 32:11

I work with others in harmony and peace.

I am a magnificent creation of God, blessed with physical, mental and emotional abilities that enable me to co-create wonderful moments in life. I live in a world filled with other people who are wondrous creations, and as I connect with them, my power to co-create multiplies.
In my workplace, community or household, the best results often come through shared efforts toward a common goal. I model the ability to listen to others and consider their ideas. When I work with others effectively, the world is a little more harmonious than it would be otherwise. I celebrate the willingness and ability of all people to work together in harmony and oneness.

You are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God.
-Ephesians 2:19

I promote harmony by being at peace.

We are the peace of God in expression right where we are. As we join with one another in thought, prayer and action, we contribute to a sacred network of harmony, a powerful consciousness of peace that is growing person by person every day.
In every neighborhood, community, city, and country, we promote harmony, mutual understanding and cooperation as expressions of our spiritual nature, our true nature. We recognize and treat one another as sacred beings who are sharing in the abundance of our divine inheritance. Each thoughtful word and caring gesture is evidence of the love of God expressing through us to the world.

The dawn from on high will break upon us, …to guide our feet into the way of peace.
-Luke 1:78,79

What a week of reflection, reconnection and rebuilding! I started last month determined to focus on myself. The mantra was – I can’t help you if you I haven’t helped myself first. So I looked within and sought to build myself into someone who could help those around me. I distanced myself from everyone.
Having a clean slate, I can seek to add people to my circle. I am peaceful and strong in spirit so my persona attracts like individuals. I may have distanced myself from good friends who have similar positive outlooks. It feels really good to reconnect with them in a new harmony. I celebrate having God in common with my true friends and family.
And so we grow! Each of us has taken the time to reflect and become strengthened in spirit. Then we come together as a group of like-minded, strong individuals. This growth within ourselves is reflected in our group and harmony spreads to our friends and family to our neighborhoods to our communities to cities to our nations and throughout the world. And it all started with one person. Me. And became us!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


[When I say gay, I don't mean it in a good way. I mean it in the most Eminem, South Park, Boondocks way I can!]

Jacquelyn NeCole asked the question - *Question to the fellas* Does a straight man hang with gay/bi-sexual guys? If they do does that make them suspect... hmmm?

I knew immediately what she wanted. She wanted another way to detect homosexuality in a man. This Down Low shit has a ton of women AND men nervous. The Gaydar is up all over the world.

The Down Low is the epitome of sexual dishonesty AKA Lying-On-Your-Dick/Pussy. With the prevalence of STDs, the most dangerous of them being “Butt-Juice-Pussy”, people need full disclosure when it comes to sex and being safe. There is no room for confusion or flat out lying. Sex without trust is so horrible; I would just rather not have sex. And I like sex. I like it A LOT. A LOT.



I am deathly afraid of Butt-Juice-Pussies! But-Juice-Pussy (BJP) is a condition that occurs when a woman dates a Down Low man inside a committed relationship or inside any relationship where Naked-Dicking occurs. Naked Dicking is already dangerous. But add secret sex to the mix and we are talking about juggling grenades with no pins in them.

With all of this in mind, it is VITAL that women and men, straight or gay, be able to spot liars in their midst. I wish I knew EVERY sure sign that a man is on the Down Low. I would tell. I would spend my last dollar publishing and distributing the book along with a list of notable Down Low men, for free! Honest people deserve to know when they are being tricked.

According to Sanyika – “You live in Atlanta, everybody is gay!” But this is not about judging people. I don’t judge. I really could care less about what anyone does in his or her bedroom. This is about keeping honest men and women safe from the dishonest.

So here’s what I know. Maybe it will help women and men remain safe in their relationships and avoid any BJP. (Of course, that’s assuming they don’t want any BJP!)

The gay friends I have are all out of the closet. I don’t like to talk about sex with anyone. I was raised to believe that those who talk about it aren’t doing it. So, like ALL of my friends, I’m a friend with gay people not because of whom they sleep with. Personally, some of the dating choices my straight friends make are pretty disgusting. SICK! (That’s a whole other blog.)

If any one of my “straight” friends turned out to be gay, I would have an issue. The issue wouldn’t be their sexuality but the dishonesty. I have stopped being cool and/or trusting a lot of friends for lying on their dicks. If we are friends, the foundation of that is trust. If I can’t trust you, we can’t be friends.

I do suspect a few acquaintances. The fact is the down low is real. Statistically speaking, with all the people I know, a few of those people are in the closet. The truth is, most of the people I suspect would surprise the HELL out of most females.

It is YOU! That’s right. You are reading this and wondering if I know. I DO! See! You just proved it. SMH. So sad. Just give it up. Come out the closet now and no one will get hurt. The longer you drag this out, the worse it will be when I finally REALLY put you on blast.

I have proof. It’s just not time yet to put people on blast.

You probably have BJP. I just chose not to tell you because you got on my nerves today. Good luck with that shit. (And there actually is fecal matter in your P. SMH)

I’ve been to a gay club. In fact, you DO have BJP! Your dude was there. WITH A MAN!

I don’t fuck for an audience. I don’t lie on my dick. I don’t talk about my dick. I don’t take pictures of my dick. I believe anyone who does is not just suspect. Niggah you gay!

Secret anything between couples is suspect. Friends you’ve never met, a secret family, a secret job, secret habits, secret anything is SO VERY suspect.

Machismo is suspect, especially around other men. The louder you are about homophobia, your dick, or sex in general; the more suspect you are. Why do I give a shit about any of that? I’m not going gay bashing with you. That shit is a terrorist act. I have absolutely no interest in the horrible looking women you choose to sleep with. I don’t want to watch porn with you because there are no women around. NO WOMEN = Niggah…You…Gay!

To answer Jacquelyn’s question directly, being suspect is not about being cool with gay/bisexual people. It’s suspect if dudes are too cool with other dudes. I know men who have fraternal ties with other men. They are supposed to be really close. They aren’t overly close though. Suspect dudes have “best friends” who are as close as girls are. Men don’t change clothes around each other. The one exception is a sports locker room. (Not the LA Fitness locker room! SMH) Real sports. Professional sports. Men don’t hold hands or get drunk and sleep in the same bed. (Head to feet past 16 is not cool)

Please also understand that nothing is exact. Especially this. There are variables. For instance, in the South, men are more effeminate. That means women have to look past the superficial and find patterns. My views may also be slanted. I have a father and we get along quite well. So I don’t have a lack of male bonding to fill. So I am more hesitant to be up in any other man’s face no matter how well we get a long. But I also have sister who I am close to. So I’ve seen Grease a million and five times, and the Bodyguard, and Beaches, and Tommy. AND I actually like romantic comedies. Now if a man said that who didn’t have sisters or REALLY close female relatives, …SUSPECT.
The bottom line is - be careful. But don’t let stereotypes lead you. PLEASE don’t let your friends’ experiences affect your judgment. Let everything be what it is and see everything AS IT IS. You be upfront with your mate at all times. It’ll be hard for anyone to trick you if you are REALLY keeping in 100 (RAY J!)

Also, not reading the whole blog (I know it's long Sanyika!) is gay!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Conspiracy Theories

Maisha Perkins set it off with this one.

Two things have been troubling me this week. One was The Tavis Smiley and Al Sharpton disagreement. The other was this Black Abortion/Genocide debate. In some kind of way, I think the two are connected.

Let me begin by saying these are two of the most ridiculous things I have heard in a long while. At least since niggers were scared to vote for Obama because they believed he would be assassinated.

I heard about the abortion thing first but I ignored it. So let me do the same now and talk about Al Sharpton. I don’t agree with Al Sharpton all the time. Obviously! His eulogy for the N word led me to call people niggers more than ever. I dig Tavis Smiley and I REALLY dig Cornell West. But I was actually reversed in this situation. We don’t need to be calling each other out for trivial issues like who called whom and who didn’t.

AND we need to get off Obama’s dick. (I know I’m vulgar but I’m that serious about it.) We got Tavis Smiley and Cornell West (Sorry Dr. West) accusing the Obama administration of being politicians. WTF! Is anyone in the government NOT a politician?
Didn’t he wild out enough? Let’s not forget the past two term presidents all save the MAJOR wilding out for the last term.

We’re so wishy washy, all this jaw jacking could lead to Obama only serving one term. The BEST politician Washington has seen in decades and WE could fuck it all up. SMH. Do we have to complain that much? Do we really NEED to complain this much?

And now, we’re letting conservatives stir us up into believing someone wants to kill our babies. SMH. (did I just shake my head two paragraphs in a row?)

Birth control is everything from abstinence to condoms to the pills to abortion. Conservatives don’t think so but we live in America. Church and State remain separate for a reason. Everyone should know how I feel about naked-dickin (if you don’t please read). I can’t pretend it doesn’t happen though. Like I be trying to tell Al Sharpton, just because you don’t say a word doesn’t mean niggers and naked-dickers don’t exist!

I’ve lived in three chocolate-cities. In all three, the rate of teenage pregnancy and STDs are ridiculously high. In all three, I have witnessed an over abundance of birth control. From cases (CASES) of rubbers in the projects in New Orleans (I didn’t even have to buy rubbers. I just went to the projects and picked up a case.) to barrels (BARRELS) of rubbers on the streets of Atlanta. And still naked-dickers choose to risk disease and pregnancy.

I remember begging (PLEADING with) a young man in New Orleans to wear a rubber to no avail. I also remember the same night a young woman insisting that I naked dick her. As beautiful as she was, all I saw was the promise she was throwing down the drain on momentary pleasure.

Before I get off too deep on Naked-Dickers let me just sum up. These are the cases we are dealing with. This is not genocide. (I beg people to watch – Idiocracy) If anything, capitalism would promote naked dicking. I would. As a business owner, I need cheap labor. Since slavery is over and Hispanics are starting their own businesses, niggers and naked-dickers seem the best candidates.

“You can’t afford this child you are about to have? Poor baby.” “Don’t worry! We’ll keep him for you in foster care. Then we’ll hold him in prison for a few years. And by the time he’s out and has given up his hip-hop dreams, I’ll hire him. He’ll be perfect! Prison will have him up early all time. And at 35, he’ll be broke down enough to take WHATEVER I choose to pay him.” Can we say Win-Win?

It’s all about options. Adoption isn’t really an option for Black children. It's simple supply and demand. Black children don't get adopted. There is a high demand for white children. As Dana (On Mai Perkin’s Page) said, if we increased the demand for Black children in adoption, then abortion wouldn't be the primary option for unplanned pregnancies.

I’m all about being positive and being a math major I know that sometimes the most positive thing is the least negative. In some cases, abortion is the least negative. Contrasted against a life of poverty, never having existed is a much better option. And, remember, we are talking about the point when prospective parents decide they can’t afford a child.

The conspiracy is simple. Capitalists should and probably would support naked-dickin. Pro-Lifers are crazy! They will do anything. They blow up buildings like terrorists. And now they want to use Black people.

Despite this alleged recession, America is in good shape. Black America is in great shape. (We’ve been recession proof since forever!) Let’s not be distracted by finger pointing and conspiracy theories. There are still some miserable people around. We all know misery loves company and depressed people spend money. (It’s always about the money) Let’s keep our focus. Our communities and our nation have a bright future.

Shame on anyone who says otherwise!

God’s Plan

I’ve been hearing a lot of people say, in various ways, “Let Go and Let God.” I may have even mentioned it. But how many of us are ACTUALLY doing it. How much letting go are we doing? And how much letting God is going on? Are we blaming God for doing for we really wanted to do the whole time? Or are blaming God for not facing our fears?

I spoke briefly on how hard meditation is. Let me repeat. THAT SHIT IS HARD! It makes me wonder how a person can just say – Let go and let God. It’s Lent now. We are honoring the 40 days and 40 nights Jesus went into the wilderness before beginning his ministry. Our challenge is sit still and control our thoughts for 30 minutes a day. How is that going for us?

We are so quick to call ourselves Christian. But are we? How far away is 30 minutes from 40 days? (That’s if we are even committed to that type of meditation.) But we are letting go.

Letting go is key to letting God. Maybe, if we can achieve mental silence, we can see what’s inside of us. Then we can let go of the past and look forward to the future. Maybe we can see what’s really going on around us right now. Perhaps, we’ll be able to see which decisions we’re making as a result of which emotions.

I was thinking that perhaps we aren’t being as assertive in our own lives because we don’t know what God wants. So we sit back, chill and wait. But if we don’t know how to listen (better yet!), if we don’t know what/who to listen to, how will we ever know…

Thursday, February 25, 2010


The word today is “Love”. Another word we need to look at on this day of love is “trust”. As we find ways to express our love for each other and ourselves, let’s explore trust. We make overt actions to show our love to each other. We find the easiest way to love one another is to start by loving ourselves. As we practice prayer and meditation we see that the power of God is within us. It comes from the love we generate within ourselves. But the question - is do we trust? Do we trust God, do we trust ourselves, do we trust each other?

Our actions seem to be out of love. But is it Agape? Is it unselfish love? Do we love fully? If we do not fully trust in the God, our neighbors and ourselves; we do not love fully.

These past two weeks, I’ve shown a lot of people a TON of trust. I spent money, getting things done before people paid me only to find out they didn’t believe I would be able to do what I say. I always deal with people with trust. I feel like if I do what I say and you do what you say, we’ll have smooth dealings for all of our days. I feel like if I am 100% percent honest people will reciprocate. I know it’s naïve and utopian, but we believe in God. We believe in heaven. Aren’t all of our practices so that we can live in heaven with God? Isn’t heaven a utopia?


Even I hold back though. I rationalize. I put God to the test. I try God up all the time.

That’s ALL of our attitudes.

Even if we call ourselves Christians, spiritual, religious, faithful, whatever; we feel entitled. “Why shouldn’t we indulge ourselves? We worked hard. We’ve been faithful. We tithe. We’re practicing Lent. Give me something mister!” And when he doesn’t give it to us, we take matter into our own hands. Our patience wears thin. [I just wrote that! OUR PATIENCE WITH GOD WEARS THIN!] We do crazy things like asking another god for help. [I said that too! I’m just pointing out what more than one person in the world does.]

“ I stopped living by the core values that I was taught believed in. I convinced myself that normal rules don’t apply. I thought only about myself. I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I felt that I worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled.” – (See the next paragraph if you don’t know)

Our prayers are – “Oh God, give me this…” As if God doesn’t know already. Are we that impatient? Are we Tiger Woods (look up)? Why don’t we trust God enough to thank him for what we have AND for the known and unknown blessings he has in store?

When I worked for people. I could be in between jobs. I never had a worry. I knew there was something ahead. Something better. I still believe. Doubt has crept in lately but I am learning to ignore it. I don’t like to go backwards. But I must go back to the days when life was an adventure and I never knew what to expect. I have hopes, dreams, goals, plans and expectations but I know now that my path is not straight. I am not deterred from my goals but I look forward to the journey as well as the end. I will trust God.

Now that I work for myself. I am in a position where I have to invoice people. I have to anticipate payments. I take chances financially. I have to trust people. I do trust people. I wonder though if my blind trust and faith in God and people is SO unbelievable that I inspire distrust. I wonder. Is the devil that strong? Is evil that prevalent?

I remember Flip Wilson saying “The Devil Made Me Do It!” It was funny. But…
What does God make you do? We talk so much about The Struggle, The Man, Haters, Racism, Sexism, Abuse, Sinning, Backsliding, The Electric Slide, The Cha Cha Shuffle (That’s the devil!) and everything else that’s wrong with the world, it’s like that’s what we believe in.

I like to ask – why not. I mean life is so wonderful with possibilities, I dare people to give me a good reason why not to explore the next one. I got SO many actual answers, I am beginning to be certain that we expect the devil to prevail. We expect evil. And if that’s what we expect, then that’s where our trust is. So it seems like we trust the devil more than trust God. That can’t be. Can it?

We wake up everyday and proclaim God’s goodness to the world. Then we go out there. And by the time we get back…It’s not all the fuzzy bunnies and little birds chirping. It’s who got on our nerves and why we need a drink and temptations that we may or may not have given in to.

God promised us blessings. He didn’t say how. He didn’t say what or which or who or when. He just promised. Isn’t that good enough? I mean - he’s God. Isn’t THAT good enough? Aren’t we good enough?

He is. I am. We are.

Trust me. God told me.

Facebook | George G. Tolbert II

Facebook | George G. Tolbert II

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Word of The Day - Dick Control and Naked Dicker

I thought so.I honor of August 22, 2007. And as retribution for my incessant use of the "N" word. I have two new Words Of The Day.

Word Of The Day 1


Dick-Control is easy to explain. It only has about three percent to do with sex. Dick-Control (which can also be called Pussy-Control for the P.C.[but fuck Pussies!]) is all about self control. The sexual reference explains it all and it stops there and continues in your everyday life. Sexually, it takes practice and patience to truly have dick-control. In life, it takes the same. Unfortunately, many people try to have dick control in bed and never apply the same principles in life. The result is a truly tumultuous life. In niggah talk, we runnin around with big dicks and cain't fuck.
I noticed the parallel after listening to a slew of niggahs talking about fucking all the time. But not really having any control over the important aspects of their lives. When I really listened though, I noticed these dudes didn't actually have any dick control. I mean, at no time talking with these guys do they ever seem in control. The option of not fucking is not available for them. Standards do not exist. They live by no rules or codes. It was then I realized what Dick-Control really was. Think about people we view as non-sexual who are extremely successful. We may say - Fuck that! I got to get mine. But is that (Sex, morons) what we really want. How often do you put your goals on hold for temporary pleasures? The answer to that is what Dick-Control is all about.Practice tantra. Learn your self. Become master of your domain. And lead your life in the direction YOU choose. Good luck bitches!

Word Of The Day 2

This is the new "N" word. Since, as I've noticed these past few days, niggahs have not gone away at all. To the contrary, niggahs are thriving. Someone is seeing fit actually give niggahs money and put them on pedestals (slave blocks) as role models for the youth. It is to the point where niggahs and niggardom is going beyond race, region, sexual orientation, religion, and even class. So we still need a word to verbalize the existence (most time in frustration) of these collective low lifes. That word is Naked-Dicker.
A naked-dicker is derivative of the verb Naked-Dickin which is the act of having sex with a bare dick and pussy. Naked-Dickin is practiced exclusively by unmarried couples (or married people having sex with people they are not married too[sinners]). You can be a naked-dicker by naked-dickin but just like niggardom, naked-dickers have grown to include virgins, sexual and non-sexual people as well as already being spread across classes, races and social standings. Naked-Dickers are modern day niggers.
Just like niggahs, their attitude and behavior show no class, no restraint, no responsibility, no childcare, no planning, and most importantly, no rubbers. Since the entertainment industry, drug trade, real estate and McDonald's are making niggahs rich, we wonder who it is draining our tax dollars, besides George Bush. It is naked-dickers.
Naked-Dickers have kids they can't afford, call them miracles and ask us to support their unplanned families. Or they expect to be rewarded for taking care of responsibilities they bring upon themselves. Let's give Johnny a paid vacation (although he is constantly late to work after just starting two days ago) because he is struggling to take care of the three kids and five babie's-mamas (and doing a mediocre job at that). Yay for Johnny! He's an OK baby-daddy! Let's have a parade for OK baby-daddies! And let's give Tasha a pardon for stealing diapers for her six kids who are all the same age and have (According to Maury Povich) 14 fathers. While we're at it lets give her hella food stamps and a gang of money.
Today, naked-dickers are taking it so far beyond the kids! Naked-Dickers are not responsible for anything they do. If they didn't go to school and do their homework the way they should, who are you to give them a hard time for not being able to read. How dare you be afraid to hire a felon! He/she wouldn't have a record if it wasn't for snitches. Speaking of which, Naked-Dickers are behind that ridiculous Stop-Snitching campaign as well as all those dumb-assed T-shirts that announce proudly - I sell drugs.

Sound's like niggahs to me! So there you have it. Naked-Dickers in all there pitiful splendor.

Word of The Day - Naked-Dickin

Naked Dickin

The word is quite literal. It refers to having sex without any form of birth control. The dick is naked people! Hence, the term Naked Dickin. I can (AND WILL) go on and on about Naked Dickers. (People who recklessly have Naked Dick sex) That's another time and another word.

Word of The Day - Retard

This word is one you already know. It's just one of my favorites


Did you know it's OK to say retarded when referring to a person of limited mental abilities? It's also OK to call someone retarded (even to their face!). You can be extra P.C. and add mentally to the front if you like.

It's not OK to say Retard or Tard. As is - Hey Retard! Or - I looked like a tard in that picture. Bad form guys. Poor form.

But think. Being retarded is one of the few things a person will always admit to if he really is in fact retarded. Truly dumb people will never admit to being dumb. A real idiot will never call himself that. A retard will say he is retarded day in and day out.


...or will he/she? Maybe there are retards trying to live like ordinary people...

Friday, February 5, 2010

What I Learn Daily Thursday 2-4-10

In this moment, I am creating the life I choose.

Moments are fleeting. Once passed, they cannot be recaptured. Each moment is a precious gift and holds the promise of a new beginning.
Throughout my day, I allow the presence of God to fill me with an awareness of this now moment. I release my thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow and bask in the wonder of the present moment for the gift that it is. Each moment is a building block upon which my life is created. Every loving thought, every kind word, every prayer, adds to the solid foundation of my life.
Moment by moment, I am creating a full and fulfilling life.

The quote is Luke Chapter Six, Verse 48. READ the complete chapter. But it goes – “That one is like a man building a house, who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock; when a flood arose, the river burst against the house but could not shake it, because it had been well built.”

Once we find out what we love, we can begin to build a life around that because everything we do from then on will be out of love.

I have been working on a way to convince people to focus on the here and now and not focus on the past so much. The way I picture it is people walking through life backwards. While you may start out admiring past accomplishments, eventually not being able to see what’s going on right now will have its effect. You still talk about the future so you think you have things under control. But you start to notice the effects of neglect on your recent past. You say – “How did I miss that?” You starting asking – “What happened?” “I was straight. I had everything under control.” Your reality went from “what’s happening right now” to “what happened”.

Sometimes the future is too bright or too bleak. You have to turn away. You end up turning away from the future so much, you end up walking backwards too! Whether you focus on the past or the future, you’ll eventually end up walking through life backwards.

Turn around! Look around you. Today it was raining but I felt so good it seemed a little brighter outside than a rainy day was supposed to be. At least until someone tried to play with me. (I don’t like playing) I feel better now. Check it out!


…and if you can’t be good be good at it!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What I Learn Daily 2-4-10

By following my potential and my passion, I fulfill my divine purpose.

Today I ask myself: Am I doing what I love? If the answer is no, perhaps it is time to reevaluate why I am pursuing something that may be out of alignment with my heart’s desires.
To discover my divine purpose, I turn within and see what lights my inner flame. As I consider different options, I feel an immediate surge of energy, creativity and excitement as I connect with my purpose and discover my true calling.
Perhaps I am hesitant to proceed for some reason. If this is the case, I take the matter directly to God in prayer. There is a way for me to follow my passion and fulfill my potential. The perfect path awaits if I have the courage to believe.

The quote is Matthew Chapter Nine, Verse 28. READ the complete chapter and focus on the end.

I will find out on March 27th. Or possibly before that. Today begins the Writing Blitz. Write. Write. Write. Writing like I’ve never written before. No TV! (Or very little) No Video Games! Definitely taking a vow of celibacy. Perhaps no masturbation. Perhaps! A LOT of meditation. Chapter 2 of The Master Key Program. “Think about nothing” WOW!

So let’s see what comes out of a commitment to my potential and my passion.

And remember the question - are you doing what you love and living up to your potential?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Not Scared

I'm not scared to be alone
I'm scared to be without you
I'm not afraid to pick up the phone
I'm just afraid of not speaking to you

So what do I do?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What I Learner Daily 1-25-10

Connected to the Spirit, my life is in perfect harmony.

Voices in harmony create a delicious blending, a beautiful sound. Hearing it brings pure joy. Conversely, when harmony is off, the imbalance is disturbing.
It is that way in my life also. At times, I may get sidetracked, focused on the ways in which my life appears to be flawed. In that frame of mind, I feel disconnected and discontented. But as I become aware of my disharmony, I can make adjustments.
Just as musicians must listen carefully and bring their voices into alignment to create harmony, I, too, must listen in order to bring myself into alignment with Spirit. When I am in sync with God, harmony is the inspiring result. I am blessed and at peace.

Apparently Colossians Chapter 3 has a lot to offer Christians in the way of instruction. This time the verse was 3:14. See why I just say read the whole chapter! (Two weeks ago it was 3:12)
Let me give you some more as well. Nehemiah Chapter 8. 1 Corinthians Chapter 12. And Luke Chapters 1 and 4.

In the midst of our individual journeys, we will realize that we are all working together in the Spirit. Now, it gets a little tricky here. If we’ve all been studying and practicing, not only should we each be in touch with our own gifts, we should be OK working in conjunction with each other for the greater good of the body of Christ. This may be the final frontier. We are all so easily connected nowadays. Then why is it so hard?
The Master Key System insists you not read ahead in order for the system to work. Perhaps, we should do the same. The hard part in living harmoniously is finding your place in the universe. Quite a few of us have skipped that part. In becoming Christian, we want to pick and choose. Most of us want to be Apostles, Pastors, or Deacons. A few (I hope a miniscule amount) want to walk on water. And still some are just lost with no idea. If you incorrectly choose or never find out at all, you’ll end up a leach, parasite or cancer in the body of Christ. Worse, you may become a hater.
So I say here, on this monument to codependence and nosiness, be alone sometimes. The first lesson in The Master Key System is just to sit in silence for 15-30 minutes. (I’m still working on it. It’s as hard as hell.) You can think what you want but you can’t move a muscle. I’m nearly there but it’s been over a week. I can see the point may be to gain focus. I can also see how far I have to go. [There are like 24 parts]

Be alone in silence sometimes. SILENCE. No music. Not even jazz or gospel. No phones. No PHONES. Shut it all the way off. It’s hard. But it’s only hard until it’s easy.

Then listen for your part. And when you hear it jump in. And once you’re in there, be in there. Be present in what you’re doing in life. Be you and DO you! The more you know how to properly do your own thing, the less like you are to be distracted by others doing their thing. Keep in mind 1 Corinthians Chapter 12. There are WAY more roles for people to fill. Some may not seem as important as others right now. However, the more comfortable you are with yourself and your role in the universe the less you tend to worry about other people’s journey. And only when you are secure with your own progress in your journey will you be able to recognize the harmony around you.
Like my boy Wood just told me – “Get your shit together…” so we can create a beautiful symphony.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Joys Of Niggardom

Quite often, when discussing niggers and niggardom, I have been overly critical. Let me try a different approach. Let's talk about the benefits of niggardom. When done correctly, a good nigger can lead an easy, responsibility free, and perhaps (in a very few cases) rich life!

Let’s look at just a few of the reasons why niggardom has spread across race lines and even nationality. (Believe me there are French niggers and Australian niggers and even Swiss niggers.) And if you don't believe me -
Jersey Shore Thursdays @ 10pm on MTV.
#1. You don’t have ANY responsibilities.

  •  EVEN if you have kids, someone else is taking care of them! You and your kids live at your mom’s, grandma’s, aunt’s, or all the above’s house. You don’t pay bills because you are perpetually “getting on your feet”. [What the fuck does that mean?]

#2. Anything you do is overachieving.

  •  You don’t do shit...
    That’s it.

#C. It’s not your fault. They were just hating.

  •  The cops were just hating on you when they busted your meth lab. It had to be your beggin ass neighbors, complaining because you went up on the price. So what if the neighbor’s shed on the other side of you blew up mysteriously a few months ago. That ain’t no reason to be snooping around. Trailer parks blow up all the time!

#Last. You don’t have to be on time.

  •  This probably derives from not having responsibilities. No one expects you to be anywhere. So why would you get there on time?

Oh yeah. I ain’t stopping. How many people thought this was actually going to be positive? Niggers beware. I’m going harder than ever!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Resolution

My brain’s been so scattered lately. So many adjustments. A lot of work. It’s all so worth it. I’m loving the pressure and enjoying the rewards! And then comes New Years…

Not being in L.A. had me thinking a bit about change. Now I can understand why we change our clocks twice a year. (It’s agrarian. [All about crops and farming] Look it up!)
But why is it exactly that the beginning of a New Year is the automatic life changing event of the year?

So many of us want to lose weight. Why is the coldest month of the year when you decide to go running? Is that very motivational?

Does it have to do with all the money we waste on spoiling bad children? [Not your children, of course. The other ones!] We feel bad so we have to readjust our lives? We have to reorganize our priorities? Maybe.

And not to hate on our festivities, but how well are we going to be able to hold onto these new habits if spend the night being fake at church or wake up with a hangover in a strange bed? I’m just askin’

Please believe I’m all for change and growth. I’m just a little skeptical on this one. My usual optimism is actually stepping out of the way on it’s on to ask – FOR REAL?

You gonna lose weight, again? You gonna shake them haters after you been drinking with them all night? You gonna start saving as soon as you get that refund check.

A friend of a friend said – “Let Go Of The BS...No Room For It In 2010!!!” @Scherell Irby [I gotta give EVERYONE their citations]. But then I asked myself, how many times have I heard that. Shit, I may have even said it myself! Why is that phrase so familiar? Have we been taking turns saying that Bull Shit for the last 10 years [At Least!]?

Can we stop? Can we make on final resolution? A big enough one to keep us challenged for years to come. Let’s take the pressure off ourselves. We have to lose 30 pounds then keep it off because we don’t want to have the same resolution next year. Then we have to start saving (after we buy Hummer with the children’s o’ so small college fund) and keep that going or else we’ll be broke and overweight. And then we have to keep shaking haters and trying not to meet weird people so we won’t have no haters next December to shake. You feeling the pressure yet? Does it make you want some cheesecake? You wanna go to the bar with some random assed drinking partners from Yahoo Friends? Are you fretting failing at three things and STILL having to come up with an original resolution 3 years from now. Are you imagining being broke, fat, and lonely? You getting it yet?

Maybe it’s just me. I’m a procrastinator. I set my own deadlines and break them. Maybe I need to stop and conform to societies rules on growth. Let me see if I can focus on that. One year to grow. Then another one. Then another one. What if my journey is a lifetime though? (See, I didn’t make it too long!) Maybe I need some Ritalin. PSYCHE!

How about next year, we take the time off to evaluate our progress on our journey. I don’t know about you all but it seems strange to see something not working in February and waiting until December to consider making a change. How about we just celebrate our continual growth? Thinking about celebrating where we’ve been and where we’re going seems a little like having two birthdays but this next New Years will officially be a group thing. We’ll each have our own birthdays then we’ll come together and celebrate each other’s accomplishments.

I think that sounds good. Like I said on New Year’s Eve, if you don’t know that I love you. I’ll spend all year (every year) showing you. So the celebration next year is going to be HUGE. As long as we all commit to loving each other more.

If you wake up looking at your workout gear then look past it to the window and see snow or rain or For The Love of Ray J on TV, don’t get discouraged. Grab the phone and call someone. Tell them you love them and let them love you back. Let’s stop spending our children’s college funds and start a business together. And at some point we all have to meet up and beat up some haters. I have a feeling though, when we get together the haters will magically disappear.

So what do think?

Good idea, Bad idea?