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Monday, April 9, 2007

Try Vegans

Current mood: hungry
Category: Life

I was watching TV and an ad about animal cruelty came on. It was horrific! Luckily at the end of the commercial there was a solution. Thank you vegans. For sacrificing yourselves so that peace loving people can still have meat. After all, I don't mind going the Bombay route. Cows can walk down my streets and we already have chickens hollerin up and down my neighborhoods (even in the suburbs)). And … let's be honest. Who smell's worse? Vegans (with that weird fake deodorant) or cows. At least cows swat flies. Vegans don't kill anything. Not even terrorists AND WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR ON TERROR!

Everyone…Give it a try. If you get a good one. They are not so stringy. And the hippy smell burns off.