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Sunday, October 6, 2013

What I Learned On My Way to Church


Milton called the "sideline hustlers" out when he said if you don't have a business licenses and aren't paying taxes, you don't have a business. Michael learned a hard lesson about trusts and pre-nups last year. And Lanisha just said I need a mission statement for my newest child, RuggeD Posterity. So, as I was writing my oldest nephew a letter, I had to reflect on my life, my hustles and my future. That meant meditating on what I will leave behind for my family and community. And then I pulled up the scriptures for church so I could read before I got there...

Habakkuk is three simple chapters with huge implications. Habakkuk looked around him and only saw disaster after disaster, war, famine (depression), corruption... He called to God. "Where are the miracles you are famous for?" God's answer - write down your prophesy in stone so you never forget where you are going. Never forget what you are doing. See, the bad times can distract you from your purpose. We must focus.

It's very timely that I was introduced to a man (Ja War) who insisted on reminding us to write letters to our children. Those letters become manifestos. Those manifestos become trusts. Those trusts are legacy so we can leave something more than debts and habits behind. That is real wealth. That's a true inheritance.

There was a boarding house in my family. Was!. There was no trust. And so, there is no legacy.

We don't have to be the most verbose people to deliver instructions to our proceeding generations. We can give a real testimony. Second Timothy minds us that we have God's spirit and that spirit ain't no punk. So why are we always afraid to be our best selves? Why are we afraid to declare what our futures will be? We don't have any reason to be.

Some of you are familiar with a practice in churches called giving a testimony. That's where members of the congregation stand up and talk about what has happened to them. They usually point out God's presence. The rest of the congregation claps and cheers for God. Some people reflect on their recent past and see God was there too.

How many times, if this is your type of church, has anyone stood up and proclaimed what WILL be? Let's change that. Let's only proclaim what will be. And let's write it in stone for all posterity. Let's leave a mission of prosperity just in case the bad times come again and/or our progeny get lost on their journeys.

I usually don't extend the gospel reading beyond the verses read in church but the beginning of Luke 17 is major. Two things. You all know we stumble. Sin is everywhere. But Jesus says, the one that makes you stumble has his/her issue coming... Woe unto them! But here is where we must be bigger and better.

We must forgive them if and when they repent. Each and every time. This ain't an easy road I'm walking but it’s going somewhere worth far more than the journey.

“9 Will he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? 10 So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.'"

This one is important, how many of yall do this - looking for the glory. "I go to church every day. Let me get a miracle God." “I pay my tithes. Let me have..." "I go to work, on time even, everyday. I need a raise." "I go to school..." "I take care of my children (AKA keep them alive)."
Someone is doing all those things and not asking for anything but more work. Who do you think is going to get their blessing first?

As the father said yesterday, "We don't do good deeds for the reward, we do it because of who God is" As we become more Christ like, we learn that God is in each of us and the connection with God is a connection with others. Jesus could drive out demons because he could see the light in the darkest of places. That power is in us. So we learn to Love without expectation, to give without return. That is the greatest commandment - to Love. And when we learn, we teach the people around us. We create a legacy and tradition to be handed down from generation to generation.

Our manifestos don’t have to be anywhere near as grand as Dr. King dream, but they should be in the same vein. Instead, or in addition to, the daily play by plays that are our journal entries, we can leave blueprints/treasure maps/unfinished puzzles to our descendants. We may not make it all the way to final goal but each generation should be closer to it than we were when we passed. THAT is the true wealth. That is what any and everyone has to give to their children. That is our mission. That is hope. That is faith. That is Love.

…for eternity…

Start writing…