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Monday, May 19, 2008


Current mood: bouncy
Category: Life

You know with a title like that, this blog is supposed to start out with all kinds of - Fuck them haters! and Let you haters be your motivators! and shit like that. But I thought I'd go a little deeper today.

As I am work listening to grown men concern themselves with another grown man's personal life, it strikes me. It is eternally sad to feel so low that you need to hate on crackheads and little children to make yourself feel better. Hate is so rampant now, no one can escape it.

We hate on our friends. We hate on our families. We hate on our children. And worst of all, we hate on ourselves. Some of us say the most terrible shit to ourselves.
"I can't" "I won't" "I'm too...(old, black, wild, crazy, stupid) Blah. Blah. Blah.Yippity Yap Yap. Crippity Crap Crap.

We look in the mirror like...

Just shut up all the self pity. Because that's what hate is. It's you feeling sorry for yourself and trying to beat somebody down to "build yourself up".
It never works. Once you feel good about hating on someone, the self-hate kiccs right back in again so you have to find another person or thing to hate on. And the cycle goes on and on...

Until you start loving yourself. Truly. Not based on comparisons with other people. Based on being a beautiful human being. Not based on what you have. Based on what you are. Life alll around you becomes clearer when you start letting that little light of yours shine. Let it shine. Let it shine.

So let it shine and as Kat Williams would say - "Take care fo the star player on your team!"

Thank you my dear

preach bruvs! good stuff here

Dang, All this praise. I was hoping for some hate. Damn haters! Always hiding...

Awwww, you suck LA! HAHAHAHAHA...HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE! (Ok, so I had a flashback to the Chapelle show!...sue me!)

I hate Dave Chappelle for not coming back!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Lazy Americans

Current mood: lazy
Category: Life

I have been thinking of how hard our parents worked compared to us. And of how hard our grand-parents worked compared to our parents. The walking twelve miles in the snow stories are on the verge of extinction. Only partly due to technology, we have become probably the laziest generation ever. And it's not just the kids. It's us.
One day this week I was at work (I thought it'd be a good day to go into work.), I had two test drives one hour apart. On the first test drive I passed a kid on a bus stop. An hour later, the same kid on the same bus stop. Chillin. No worried look. Not starting to walk down the road. Just sitting on the same bus stop.

I would walk. I move slow but I have to keep moving. I know a bunch of my friends have made the late night walk from Burboun back to Xavier. I have made that walk in the day time. I am loathe to wait on a bus (if I have to) out here. Hell, how can a bus beat me getting anywhere. There are bus stops on every block out here. EVERY BLOCK...AND PEOPLE AT THE STOPS! The school buses stop at each individual house. For High Schoolers! I could understand small children and people worrying about getting snatched. But have you seen these High Schoolers? No one wants to snatch them crazy ass kids. I don't even like walking or standing too close to them. (Here comes a "When I was in high school..." story.

When I was in High School the rule was we shouldn't have to walk more than a mile. Sometimes that worked out, sometimes we had towalk that full mile. Sometimes I walked home from school. The walk was 30 to 45 minutes and the bus was 40 to 60 minutes. I have woken up at 3:30 in the morning to catch the bus at 5:30 for jobs.

Another day (actually every other day) some young adult comes to my lot wanting to put down $200 on a $7500 car (Our highest price). I offer to show them an 88 or 92 for $500 that may need some work, but they "need a car that's running good", they "need the 2002 Impala". They can't take the bus because the walk is like fifteen extra minutes. They have to get up at 5 to get to work. Poor kids.

And then I was standing in line at the post office and one of the employees and a customer were talking about the jobs being out sourced and all the lay offs lately.

Now I will be the first to complain when some Indian named "Susie/Chris" aka Sucheyallah/Chutneyandbeanrice can't understand my English Dialect (wasn't that an English colony?). But today, with all this laze lounging around me, I ask what business owner wouldn't want to save some money and get harder workers? I have to face it - America is SO lazy that Americans don't want to hire Americans.

Even in this so called "recession" the work is here. The sad truth is no one wants to hire Americans. Contractors will hire an all hispanic crew before any others. So much so that bilingual subcontractors have their own enterprise putting together crews for people. (Look on craigslist for a bilingual contractor and see what you get) American builders of airplane parts are being exposed for using usafe practices leading to the rise in crashes of late.

When does it end? Do we all just get on welfare and buy "American" made products shipped to us from the other side of the world? Does McDonalds become a sit down restuarant not because the quality gets any better but because the workers are so lazy that the microwaved food takes 30 mins to an hour to prepare? Do we deliver our own mail because the drivers who had their seats moved to make it easier to reach the mail box on the curb don't feel like getting out of the truck to hand you a package that won't fit in the box?

What happened to wanting to be better than our parents? For their sakes. Our parents took care of us (A ton of them were single!), worked two or three jobs sometimes, drank way too much coffee and did way to many uppers to get the job done to build this country for us. Am I the only one noticing UPS and FEDEX slowing down?
I'm just saying...

Nice work! Interesting because wasn't it our parents and grandparents that said to us when we were little(and Jay Z), "I went through that so you wouldn't have to go through that" or "We work had so when u grow up u wouldn't have to work as hard to get the same things accomplished"? Intelect is one thing that dont see a lot of today accross the board and brotha u got it!


Thank you! Thank you! My lone reader it looks like lately. I'mma have to buy you a drink or ten.

So it is up to us then to instill a work ethic. But what happens when the children unionize and start making demands. Will Chinese and Indian adoptions go up?

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mike’s Blog About Music

Current mood: rebellious
Category: Music

I have been thinking about what to write about the state of music since I told Mike I would write more about the death of urban music. I have been moved in another direction though. I want to write about ALL music. All music is suffering. We know sales are down in the music industry but who cares about those rich fuckers. I care about musicians. I care about artists. I want to be able to access good music not just on my CD Player but at clubs and bars. We have a problem though.

The problem is greed.

Rock, latin, jazz are the only genres I know that has venues for up and comers. Pop clubs, urban clubs, and everything else is all about who's "hot". Where is the open mic night filled with people who truly appreciate music? I can think of a place here but the crowd is not always about the music there. I keep meeting artists who will perform anywhere at the drop of a hat. (Maybe I should help them. After all I am the sound boy MASSIVE now!)

I still believe the greatest lyricist ever is out of LA and will remain underground forever. Aceyalone. I will always believe that the best singers are unsigned. I'm thinking about all this and realizing maybe that's the way things should be.

So the problem for music listeners is their own fault. We don't support underground artists. We look for CDs. Dead Presidents is not an underground group. If you have a label, you are not underground. If Cheri Dennis is such a great singer, why are we waiting on her to put out an album. Go seek her out and get her to perform for you. I'm sure she has a recording if that's what you want. Why are we waiting on CDs? Why are we waiting on MySpace artist to get signed? Send them a message. Go to their shows. Order their CDs directly from them. If they can put their songs online, they can burn a copy and mail it to you.

I generally don't get into music debates. The reason is most of the people involved in the debate are really into music. They are into SoundScan. They are into MTV or BET 106th and Park or the radio. They are into singles. A good album has always been one that you can listen to all the way through and feel good about. I don't do "Greatest Hits". All the songs I like aren't on there. The only greatest hits worthy of its name was Prince's. I like music. I realize that I will never be able to satisfy my quest for good music. Its everywhere! What's to debate? If you've never been to LA, how can you have an opinion on Aceyalone? Hell most people IN LA have never heard him.

The bottom line is, the quest for good music should not depend on the music industry. The industry as we know it will fail eventually anyway. Then where will we be? With no CDs to buy, no I-Tunes, MTV and BET only running reality shows because the labels can't afford music videos anymore, where would we look for entertainment? I know where I can go. You need to find you some good music and hold on to it. And quit calling it urban music. Jodeci is from North Carolina. People in the country got soul too! Let's find another name or no name at all. Just music

Just music. Listen

And the croud goes HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Yes that was great! I NEED ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!! BTW did you get the topic idea from my last blog comment(Greed)?


Naw not really. I been reading this book "New Earth" and something clicked from that. I keep trying to fit that book into my recent blogs. Another is coming.