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Monday, September 13, 2010

What I Learned Over A Month Ago

I’ve been neglecting myself for quite a while now. For what, I have no idea. All I know is I should have been finished with The Master Key System a looonnng time ago. I have a growing list of books to read. And I keep losing deals. Again…no idea why or for what purpose…

Seriously, I have the time to do all those things. Sad to say, I truly haven’t been living.

So, I go back and start over. Not really over but I try to remember where I was when I fell off track. I go back there not to start off on the same path but a completely new one. I only need to be back on my foundation in order to test the limits all over again.

Getting off track is falling into a rut. This rut right here just may be the biggest and longest one I’ve ever been in. Four Years! Deep down in the bowls of niggardom! And it’s not Atlanta. But part of getting out of this rut requires leaving Atlanta behind. So this is the farewell tour.

So I missed the last Sunday of Father John visiting another church but I got something from him the week before. By reading Genesis 18, Colossians 2 and Luke 11 we learn that ALL that we ask for will be given. ALL. That means be careful what you wish for.’

I still hadn’t written this down. The next week I went to a different church wide open to receive any amount of God that was in the building. There was a lot. And they filled in the rest of this unwritten blog.

The focus of most Christian churches is being a good Christian. The shift has been
not being A Christian but being Christian. (Re Read that once or three times) Those are two very different things. A Christian goes to a Christian church, follows the church rules, is involved in some activities at the church and may or may not be attempting to be more Christian. Someone who is Christian is exactly what it means. That person is (or is actively working on being) Christ like.

At Destiny the focus was on pointing out some key differences between a Christian and a Christ-like person. Being a Christian is a stop along the way of a person’s spiritual journey. Unfortunately, most people stay there. They become “Spiritual Knock-Offs”. Since they can say they are Christians, they’re done growing. It’s hard to realize when you’ve only partially surrendered when your Knock Off looks so good. I mean you’ve done all the baptism and catechism and altar calls and new member’s class and you joined the usher board and you got a solo one time because the whole rest of the choir caught mono (Seriously, ALL of them had it) and you got a Jesus fish on your car and you have ALL the Donnie McClurkin CDs.

And this is the rut you’ve been in for years and years. You are no further along on your spiritual journey than you were seven years ago. You’ve been praying a certain way for years. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. And that’s good enough. But it’s SO not.

Almost is good enough in horseshoes. This is our eternal life. And we’re poking around. Dipping our toes in the water. And we get away with it (we think). We can say “I gave in to God a long time ago.”
That just may be the problem.
A long time ago we answered someone’s alter call. It’s been years and years. So long, you can’t even remember what the secular radio stations sound like. But nothing has changed. You know it. But you don’t want to make any more changes. Why not? Jesus was meditating and praying and being tested and growing up until the last minutes of his life.

Release, surrender, and give up control. The worst thing you can do is hold on to something God wants you to give up. Give it up. Let it go (John 12:24, 25)
You know what it is. You know what you need to do but you don’t really feel like doing it. Listen to the words all around you. My church sings a song called “Taste and See” every week.

Just say yes.

Say yes to growth. Say yes to being Christian, to being Christ-like. Say yes to getting out of your rut. Say yes to continuing the journey. Say yes to a new life everyday. Today is the first day of the rest of your life – everyday!

Be good!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I have just encountered a new type of retard. That is the political retard. Specifically, the Republitard.

The Republitard is just one of many types of people who don’t/can’t think for themselves and perpetuate ideas and philosophies about which they know nothing. The republitard constitutes the majority of the voting population of the Republican Party.

In the Ronald Reagan article I posted on Facebook, Ronald Reagan had a reputation for lowering taxes. In fact, He trimmed tax breaks and increased Social Security tax. In the end, he kept tax revenue at the same point it’s always been. What he essentially did was cut taxes for the rich and increase taxes for the rest of America. And he spent more! Without a major war!

Republitards are no different than “Christians” who don’t read the bible. They are no different than bandwagon sports fans. No different than militants who get their first taste of revolution. They are so gung-ho about everything and have no idea what they are talking about. None.

People like noise. It stops them from thinking. Unfortunately, what happens is people start thinking for them. It’s easy for charismatic people to be so passionate about tax breaks for the upper class. Their charisma has carried their incomes to that same upper class. They are directly affected by the causes they fight so passionately for. And they fight so passionately that the ignorant Republitards also believe they are directly affected.

So let me be clear. Republitards think they are rich. They think they are white. They think they are as charismatic as their leaders. For one, all Republican Hispanics are Republitards. They got the people elected in Arizona who are now trying to get rid of them. All Republicans who make less than 250,000 dollars a year are Republitards. They are running around crying about tax breaks when only people who make 250,001 dollars or more will be affected. Now THAT’s retarded.

How do you not know how much money you have? Only 5% (I’m being nearly doubly generous) of Americans make that much or more. As of September 1, 2010, 33.8% of American voters are registered Republicans. Assuming everyone in that 5% is Republican (Yeah Right! Like God blesses that many fools), 85% of Republicans are Republitards and/or flat out stupid. Since 35% of the voting population is Democrat we can assume safely that half of that 5% is Republican which means 93% (I rounded up. We are talking about retards. Some of them probably paid too much taxes trying to floss) of Republicans are Republitards. That’s almost all of them.

Essentially what I’m saying is, it’s retard to be Republican.

Come back next week when I show you how it’s retarded to be a Democrat.