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Sunday, December 6, 2009

You Might Be A Nigger

[WARNING: The following contains fequent use of the “n” word. And by the “n” word I mean nigger. And I don't mean that in a good way!]

There are certain conversations I refuse to take part in with Black People. I don’t discuss oppression in groups. I wouldn’t talk about Obama’s campaign with people unfamiliar with him before 2006. (Admit it now! Most of you didn’t think it would happen. And don’t let me even pay homage to the conspiracy theories out there.) Speaking of which, I don’t do conspiracy theories. (OhMyGod! The inane pothead logic I have been subjected to recently…[I will go to re-hab for you!]) And, just recently, no Tiger Woods, no Serena. I never really asked myself why I avoided these certain conversations.
Then I saw and read “The Secret”. THEN I asked myself why and the answer was clear. I just don’t want to hear the negative Bull Shit! Before “The Secret”, I would wonder how someone could have money but still be with that nigger shit. I would figure they had some secret to be able to support such negativity and still come out ahead. But that’s not how it works. After “The Secret” I could see the same successful people bringing negativity upon them selves in the exact manner in which they would ask the universe for it. They would talk about people stealing and MORE people would steal. They would ask for people to sue them and they would! Then let’s not start talking about losing money! These are Bill Gates/Oprah people I’m talking about. These are hood rich people, ghetto fabulous people, people who live in the same neighborhood as me. These people are very dynamic and have accomplished a lot. But just being around them I can tell they have to ability to accomplish SO much more.
If only they could move forward…

All of these people were just like so many other unsuccessful people. They achieved a little success but that was the only difference. They were trapped just like their workers. Trapped by their own niggardom. Always looking over their shoulder for “The Man” to shut them down. No awareness of the abundance life has to offer. Scared to leave the familiar confines of the hood. Not scared to travel. But scared to step outside of the mental enslavement of niggardom. So that means niggers have been to all six major continents but as the saying goes…”You can take the boy out the hood, …”. (I don’t even want to finish) They are trapped by their fear of growth or change or new things.
The hardest part of practicing the Law of Abundance is reacting to negativity. It could be bad news or it could be negative people. As I struggled to stay positive, I noticed that everyone does. Except niggers. Niggers don’t struggle. Because, as we all know, niggers don’t like to work. Niggers like to cry about whatever is happening and wonder why nothing is changing for them. It is easy for so many niggers to get trapped in the vicious cycle of self-pity and despair. And we can’t be too hard on the niggers. They have a good excuse!
Willie Lynch.
[Sidenote: I don’t believe the person or letter ever existed. The effects of slavery on the Black community are apparent. And Willie Lynch is a symbol of those effects.]
As we all know, all a nigger needs is an excuse! Doesn’t even have to be one like Willie Lynch. And Willie Lynch is the best one ever. Willie Lynch allows niggers all over the world to hang on to their negativity. After all, it’s not their fault. They’ve been institutionalized.
I know it sounds harsh but I have been having the time of my life lately and it just keeps getting better. It makes me want to do everything I can to erase the negativity so that I can focus on growing the positive. Plus, I have less than a month to tell 100 niggers to get off my dick and get out of my life!
So people, be careful!
Life is good!
The only hard part is defeating the negativity that tries to distract us from growing our abundance. So if you find yourself embracing negative thoughts and emotions. Ask yourself why. You may be suffering the lingering effects of niggardom. Hell, you may in fact still be a nigger!

[If you read my previous posts you know that I don't use nigger to refer exclusively to Black people. So others, you all be careful too! Niggardom knows no color!]

Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's Complicated

I almost forgot my dedication: dis one iz fo ma nigga Rollin Dee from da 213

I said I wouldn’t name any names so, let’s just say I have a friend named CJ. CJ got at me five years ago on MySpace. Over the past five years, CJ and I have become good friends. I had to cuss her out at first for trying to get at me. Then I gave her plenty of relationship advice. I’ve guided her through a myriad of low-lifes and random assed naked-dickers. She listens to most of it save one thing. CJ has been married for about nine years. Her husband has been in Iraq for the majority of the time. She and her husband married out of High School and haven’t been getting along for at least seven of those nine years. Today, she has “a boo” and her husband is home. He is routinely denied sex and even ridiculed in addition to watching his wife go out with another man. All the while, her relationship status has been listed as “married”.

I like to keep things simple. I’m going to call things like they are. While this is my friend, she knows she needs to get a divorce. For whatever reason, she hasn’t yet and until then, she knows I consider her a slut-bucket. She keeps it simple. No lying about who you are and no uncertainty about her situation. She is a whore bag. Her husband got the Iraq disease. And anyone who fucks with her knows he is going to hell for fucking another man’s wife. Simple.

That was life for me the past few years. I am a big subscriber to the K.I.S.S. school of thought. I Keep It Simple Stupid at all cost. There is no point in trying to over complicate things. All you are doing is trying to outsmart yourself. All you end up actually doing is looking insincere or retarded. So no matter how smart I feel I am, I always keep things as simple as possible.

So I’ve been noticing the networking sites lately have added a relationship option. The label – ‘It’s Complicated’ – has me all thrown off! Initially, I wanted to go with the flow, accept this new relationship status and imagine there is someone with a crazier situation than CJ. But then, Fuck that! What is so difficult to explain about your situation that you have to add another classification? You are either Married, Single, In a Relationship, Divorced, Widowed or Slore (Slut-Whore).

So I asked. I asked individually. I asked the whole of FaceBook. Getting answers was not so easy. It was always “a long story”. To the contrary, the few stories I did get weren’t that long at all. Most, if not all, were not that complicated at all. Some people were in long distance relationships. A lot were married and didn’t want to be. A few liked people who may or may not have liked them back. Most involved uncertainty about whether the other person wanted to be in a committed relationship with them. Contrary to my initial thoughts, nothing was crazier than CJ’s situation. Perhaps there really is a “Long Story” out there that truly is too “Complicated” to share.

They are likely to be all like this story:

Being involved with someone for almost 10 yrs of your life and to find out it was a waste of time. I use the word "involved" because there was never the "commitment" term used. We catered towards each other sexually and mentally, but the only time emotions got involved was when I threatened to leave him alone. The big break was when someone else got pregnant, that's when it hit me really hard that I was 2nd. Nothing he said made the hurt go away, not even her losing the child made the hurt go away. As long as I was within driving distance, the hurt continued, so I removed myself from the equation. The hurt slowly subsided, the blocking wall came down, and I could finally breathe, laugh and smile again. My mind thought is and always will be, is to never (knowly) be 2nd. Even if we are casually having sex, and you are entertaining the other woman more then me, then I am 2nd. Never again, only #1 for took me a while, but I learned to REALLY LOVE ME!!!!!

The bottom line is all ALL relationships are complicated, if you want your life to be so. If you are married, it will be hard and you can quickly make it complicated, whether you like your spouse or not. I’m sure we all have “Long Stories” about being single. Getting your groove back after a divorce can be difficult. If we choose to, we can decide any situation is hard and allow our lives to become “Complicated”. But why?

Times are hard. We all have stories. Why make them “Long”? I always find relationships to be one thing that is easy to keep simple. People either like each other or they don’t. You either have a husband/wife/significant other or you want to be a slut puppy. Perhaps the complication comes from not wanting to be honest about your real intentions. There either is trust or there isn’t. Let’s keep it real though. I like you. You like me. Let’s fuck, date, get married, break-up, make-up, live together, go half on a baby, hold hands, whatever. What’s complicated about that?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Naked-Dick Chronicles

(Another Re-Post) This is one of my favorite words. One day I will repost the full definition of the word. [Or you can check it out here:  In the meantime...

Michael Baisden, Dr. Eric Michael Dyson, and Rev. Al Sharpton (or the lady who filled in for him) all talked about being single, dating outside your race, and the pressure of Valentines day. People gave all kinds of reasons why there was pressure to get married, date inside or out of the race and/or get a date for Valentines day. Everything from Willie Lynch (no really-Willie Lynch) to OJ (not really) to "over-education" to standards too high or too low. Over nine hours, only one person mentioned probably the most important quality in looking for a mate. Patience…

Why can't we wait? Naked dickers can't wait for rubbers. Serial daters can't wait for that right person. And we all end up hopping from person to person. Hoping, longing for someone, anyone. But we can't wait for THE one.

Do we really believe that it'll be that easy to find one person in 300,000,000 people in this country and 7 billion in this world? Do I need to add settling as an addictive behavior? Maybe we need a rehab for settlers. If the world was filled with more patient people, many of us wouldn't be here. I'd be willing to sacrifice myself for the sake of us all getting it right. (Yes, that's right. As a child of divorce I too am the result of two impatient naked dickers) It's rampant people!
70% of African American women have children out of wedlock. 50% of African Americans have herpes.


There is just too much naked-dickin going on! Are you that pressed? I know its good. And yes, it definitely feels better. But where is the self control? Where is the vision? Or better yet, where is the commitment to our own dreams? Are we supposed to accept this as unchanging fact?
Sex is like any other vice. Like gambling, certain lesser drugs, drinking or whatever you may be into, it's not for everyone. Some people don't have the self control to to participate in these acts. Gambling addicts don't gamble, drug addicts and alcoholics admit they are powerless and struggle to quit. Some do it by choice. Some are court ordered. Naked dickin should be considered in the same breath as gambling addicts, alcoholics and druggies. Perhaps, we should court order the naked dickers to enter sex rehab. Admit they have no control over the pussy or dick. Submit to the higher power (Wilt Chamberlain) And quit having sex.

Naked dickin is for married people. Like Casinos are for old people. (Vegas is for the young and rich but all the rest goes to the retired.) Like drinking is for the grown and sexy.
I sense as you all are reading this, there is someone out there who feels like this is them. If you feel like this is you. You feel like a rampant naked dicker. It's not too late! Submit yourself. Come to the front of the church. The ministers will lay hands on you and pray for your privates. Be born again in the Magnum spirit. Wilt Chamberlain is looking down on you and he wants to heal your privates. 
Come on down and join us!

Let us pray…

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What I Learned About Church People Almost a Year Ago

December 31, 2008 - Wednesday

What I learned in Church
Current mood: determined
Category: Religion and Philosophy
.Many times the weaker of us reflect on what their parents/family did wrong or didn't do right as an excuse for where they are now. It is easy to let the immediate past block us from reflection on our ancestors. All of us have a past that includes many wars, genocides, plagues or any one of a million disasters, which could have ended our family trees long ago. We are descendent of survivors, of people with the vision and good fortune to prepare a future for us. We all have a purpose, which often includes the visions of our ancestors. We honor them by, at the very least, never giving up.

And the answer to my "Church People" question comes as soon as I return to church. (I was prepared to cuss out all of my readers for not giving me the answers) See how good God is!

The answer is - family.

Christmas threw me off with the scriptures for the week. I didn't get to read them on my own so, let's do it with out them this time. This is more about us as a collective of individuals anyway. In fact lets explore family. From Webster's:


Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English familie, from Latin familia household (including servants as well as kin of the householder), from famulus servant

Date: 15th century

1: a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head : household

2 a: a group of persons of common ancestry : clan b: a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock : race

3 a: a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation : fellowship b: the staff of a high official (as the President)

4: a group of things related by common characteristics: as a: a closely related series of elements or chemical compounds b: a group of soils with similar chemical and physical properties (as texture, pH, and mineral content) that comprise a category ranking above the series and below the subgroup in soil classification c: a group of related languages descended from a single ancestral language

5 a: the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children ; also : any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family family> b: spouse and children family>

6 a: a group of related plants or animals forming a category ranking above a genus and below an order and usually comprising several to many genera bin livestock breeding (1): the descendants or line of a particular individual especially of some outstanding female (2): an identifiable strain within a breed

7: a set of curves or surfaces whose equations differ only in parameters

8: a unit of a crime syndicate (as the Mafia) operating within a geographic area

All this time the answer was right in front of my face. I have so many families. I have my real family (with little subsets with that), my work family, my MySpace family, My Facebook, my school, my local family, my Los Angeles fam, my New Orleans fam…

All of them have their distinct characteristics. I am tied to the members of each of those families by a common bond that is stronger than all the corruption and fakery that exists within ALL of my families. And I make an effort to be active or at least present in all of my families.

So what was my hold up with the one family which should have the strongest bond. I mean I could go through one through eight of the definition and only have trouble finding a connection using number seven. I can even do number eight! After all, I am catholic.

The way Deacon Chester described it is more simple: We may feel alone in the world for six days out of the week. On Sunday we know we can come "home" to our church family. We can feel safe within the confines of this gathering of like-minded individuals. In my church, that's actually one of the reasons I chose it. The uniformity of our worship ceremony is easily apparent and bonds us all together for an hour and a half.

So now that I want more, I guess I just deal with it the way I deal with all my other families. Learn who to deal with and who not to. The good thing about this church family is that when people try to latch onto me like they do in all my other families, at least they are people who are trying to live by a higher spiritual standard. If I have to dodge low-lifes anyway, it may as well be low –lifes who know how to pray.

Church People (From MySpace)

December 26, 2008 - Friday

Current mood: cynical
Category: Religion and Philosophy

At the time of the 2004 indictment, Cross was teaching at DePaul University in Chicago.[7] On May 1, 2006, Cross pled guilty to fraud by embezzling millions of dollars in federal funds from the government and students.[8] She agreed to pay $11,000 to the Department of Education in restitution. Singh also pleaded guilty to one count of embezzlement.

The prosecutor, U.S. Attorney David Nahmias, made a somewhat exculpatory statement at their sentencing: "When the defendants arrived at Morris Brown, the college was already in serious financial condition. Thereafter, these defendants misappropriated ... money in fairly complicated ways in what appears to have been a misguided and ultimately criminal attempt to keep Morris Brown afloat."[3]

They (CBS 46, Atlanta) interviewed the wrong people. I had been struggling with missing the last few weeks of church and even on the recent weeks I did go, not being able to provide you all with an adequate blog.

As I was passing the TV in the living room, the news had an article about Morris Brown College closing down. I had to check it out. It turns out they had suffered from a recent loss of accreditation and embezzlement scandals. The enrollment was actually down to 107 students. Having gone to large and small schools – I CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE THAT. They owe an over $300K water bill! WTF

And who did they interview – Church People.

In a city FULL of mega-churches with billions of dollars at their disposal, a school (the only, ONLY originally black college in Atlanta) founded by and affiliated with the A.M.E. church is not only having problems, IT"S CLOSING! It owes SO many people SO much money. It has NO students. You mean to tell me I pay tithes so these "prophets" (or is it "profits") can have bigger buildings, bigger cars, and bigger jets and historic institutions can just fade away like dust in the wind.

So, speaking of all that, I was asking myself why I was so hesitant to make it to church lately. I like my church. I want to be more active in it. But then, when it is time to sign my name on the "Time and Talent" form, I freeze up. This past month has made my phobia clear.

I don't want to become a "church person"

Let me tell you about church people-

Everywhere I've ever worked the concurrent idiom has been – do not serve church people. Since I was 14, church people don't tip. They want the most for the least. And they are not liable for anything. AND THEN, I moved to Atlanta. The buckle of the Bible belt.

Let's disregard the plethora of whores, cocksuckers and, to use my step-mother's favorite word growing up, hoochies who I've encountered since moving here. I want to get to the essence of church people.

It starts with a pastor who works where I work. I had just gotten here and respected the title when my cousin told me one of the mechanics at my job was a preacher…

…to hell with that.

What I encountered was nothing less than an African pimp hustling men and women (MAINLY women) out of their money. This married man of God obviously only has eyes for the demons between the legs of the congregation. This is the only man I encountered this past year who did not so much hear the words coming out of the Obama camp as he did notice the "fitting" dresses Michelle Obama was wearing. Some how where I notice only men fix cars and men bring in their daughters and wives' and sisters' cars, his only clientele is only women. AND they are all his "sisters" who look nothing like him. I don't know who you've been around but Africans have strong features and princes and princesses carry their parents features proudly.

But let me leave the "Pimp in the Pulpit" for now (I could go on forever on that demon) and focus on the congregation.

I have lost count of "favors" we've done for various church members. They have all turned out bad. And a few do stick out:

* There was "The Pimp in The Pulpit's" member who left her car on the lot for months while we searched for a reasonable priced differential. I initially thought we were just trying to save the lady money. Come to find out, the active church member had been filing insurance claims from an accident that happened two years ago. And The Pimp was helping her defraud the insurance company AGAIN. I only found out because The Pimp and the customer had filed the claim without our knowledge and the insurance company called the office to inform me the claim was denied AGAIN. - To date, The Pimp is still trying to get the money from the insurance company because, of course, the customer hasn't paid him or us anything.
* There is another church member who has abandoned their car here for the ENTIRE three years I have worked here.

And then –

* A member of my boss' church, who had bought a car from us before, had a great job, all her paperwork, all the Is dotted all the Ts crossed. Traded in a car, gave us the title plus the full down payment (which most customers never do). We set her up to pay monthly (which WE never do). She paid three out of her five payments and fell off the face of the earth. All of our calls went to voicemail. That is until we sent her to Repo. Mere seconds after the Repo Company received out fax, the Repo man calls excited. He has been looking for our customer for over a year. She owed a title pawn company for the very car she traded in to us. They were more than happy to take our car back from her. Suddenly, she called us. She "intended on paying us off tomorrow. Why did we send her to repo?" Of course, we got the car. She actually came and paid it off the next day. But not before bringing two other church members to tell me how bad a person I was. And of course, they promised to tell the pastor about my boss.

In all these cases, these aren't just people who go to the church. These are board members, Sunday school teachers, nursery helpers, office workers…really, really involved members of different churches. I could go on and on with stories but I just wanted to use a few examples to show why I am confused about what it means to be a church person. And this is not to say ALL church people are bad. My mom is a faithful member of her church and a true Christian person. My step-mom is another true Christian. My brother's mom is an excellent Muslim woman. Speaking of which, I have noticed people of religions and sects misrepresenting their churches.

So the question is how do I become more active in my church and avoid all the BS of being a "Church Member"? Or better yet, how do I stand being around all the other "Church Members" once I do become more active in the church?
By the way, Morris Brown has alumni. However, if my Black College experiences are any indication, I know why these successful men and women have turned their back on their alma mater.

The college's alumni include military officers, actors, authors and civil rights leaders such as the late Hosea Williams. (AJC)

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I'm cool about a lot of things. I don't get emotional often if at all. But this..this is one thing! ONE THING!!! I already have a few niggahs on my list. OoooooooooHHHHHHH!!!!!

Not the way I wanted to start the day.

Date: 08/13/2009
Subject: I�m scared!

Hey everybody, I'm a 24yr woman I get graduated from college in Biology I'm also a AKA. I have no family but my boyfriend we been dating since high school. He hates the fact that Im smarter than him and i graduated early from college he's a slacker. He recently broke my arm cause I got excepted for a job in Texas. His mother say just deal with it cause you know how much he love u PLEASE!! 3mths ago he bust my nose and cut all me hair offcause he didn't make the faternity. I tryed talking to his mother about leaving but she goes back and tell him everything. I know Im smart but everytime I try to leave he follows I'm scared the next will be that he KILLS me WHAT I AM TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What I Learned At My Church, My Brother's Church, and a Landmark Introduction

Two churches, three times, two days, one word. For years I have been hearing about two covenants, an old one and a new one. But this weekend I finally learned about the third and absolutely most important covenant, the one you make in your life.

We are the body of Christ. AND Christ is in us as well. Hell, I “ingest” his body and blood every time I go to my church. As a Christian, we seek to live our lives just as He did. Don’t we. That is the literal definition of “Christian”.
I mean, we put fish on our cars, wear WWJD bracelets, wear and talk about bearing crosses, those of us who drink blame it on Jesus turning water into wine…
At my age, so many of us have plans and goals and we are continually setting new ones. We all SAY – God, then family, then career. But is that what we are doing?

I went to three church services, and a motivational seminar. The premise was the same at all. I can do whatever I like. Anything is possible. But, is the covenant I make with myself true to all the shit I talk? I mean, I talk A LOT of shit. Am I keeping it real? How close am I to being like Christ? Where are my priorities really falling?
This is a rough one. The direction of this one changed so many times. Perhaps I was hesitant to ask because the answers are potentially dangerous. The majority of us work at jobs that have nothing to do with our top three/four priorities. We devote a super large portion of our waking hours to those jobs. How do we still hold our priorities in check?
I really need answers/responses on this one. Things would be totally different if I knew the answer to this one.

We pray - Lord feed us.

Monday, July 20, 2009

She's Just Not That Into You

This is a very different blog from any that I have ever written. In the past I promised not to mention any names. Today, I can’t be me without at least a few details. I may still not mention names but I may have to get more personal than I’ve ever been.

It sounds dramatic but it’s not. Only people who recognize themselves in situations will even notice. The problem is that last time I did something like this the people involved were moved to bring their situation to light. So to those people who may or may not be mentioned or alluded to – Good luck with that shit!

"She's just not that into you" - There's a common misconception that women are so desperate for a mate that they will go for whatever. While this may be true superficially, deeper connections require vigilance on the part of men. (If you are just looking to hook up, this is not a blog for you. Continue meaningless [while probably gratifying] trysts till you are ready to settle then come back to this.)

I wrote a blog about dating in Atlanta but I was too general to get my point across. Let’s talk about me.
Like I said before, the women in LA are more straightforward. I come from an arm-grabbing state. If a man finds you attractive he will grab you. How hard depends on his level of urgency. Women in California will fight back though. They quickly calmed the arm grabbing down. Women in California are assertive. They will ask for and get what they want.
In fact, I have noticed that mixing the assertiveness of a Cali woman with the passiveness of a Southern man and the Cali woman will never leave. Why leave a matriarchal structure to become secondary in a strongly patriarchal situation? When it’s a Cali man and a southern woman, the assertive male is like to take advantage of the situation and leave when the moment is opportune.
But that was the last blog.

Let’s talk about dating two years later. Southern women are getting hip. Thanks to a few suckers, T. D. Jakes, Creflo, a couple of Pulpit Pimps, Three tricks, a few low self esteemed drug dealers, and an ex high school football player turned security guard. Unfortunately, the men aren’t realizing what’s going on. Women today are so hype to keep a man; they will stick around even if they don’t like you.

So I don’t know how many times I’ve found myself dating women who wouldn’t go away. I used to joke about my boy whose girl at the time told him no when he said he wanted to break up. Now, I got my own stories. From the invasion of the “celibate” girls to the “pay her” players, women who don’t even like me have been trying me up since that last blog. Unfortunately, now is not the time to speak about those individual stories. (They are good if you haven’t heard them!) In general, what all these women had in common was an ability to tolerate the unacceptable.
We all know about the extremes: the battered women, the abused, the used, the tricked, the played, the just all out retarded; but what about everyone else. What about the one’s who are just not dating the right guy. He may be nice; he may be cool to be around, he may have certain talents. Yall may even be a cute couple that gets along. But one or the both of you know there is no forever there.
I have had a lot of fun with a few ladies recently. It’s been my curse and gift though to be able to see the mismatch before the ladies I’ve been involved with do. Or maybe I just acted first. I have come to believe it’s the latter. Playing for keeps with a lot of women has come to include playing dumb. Women will ignore the obvious and just continue to be polite simply in order to remain in a relationship.
I have to wonder if men realize what I have. And I absolutely must know for certain if women truly are hanging around guys they don’t like just to have a connection with SOME BODY.

I need help on this one…

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Super Senior Is Reborn

For the past few years, I have been living in fear. Too many fears to enumerate.

Now is the time to face my fears. My hood is behind me. I got my God. I believe in ME. I got my family. Both the family I already have and the family I'm intended to create. I already have my friends. I got old friends, new friends and a bunch of niggahs who just won’t go away. I got a gang that will beat any gang out there.

First, the people at Landmark told me - you already are who you're supposed to be. Then, my brother’s church asked why are we scared to do what we are meant to do. What could we be scared of if we have the most powerful force in the universe on our side? So I said – I know huh! Why I been bullshitting? My gang is unstoppable. All I have to do is point and away we go!

So this is not really an essay.

This is my declaration. I ain’t scared of shit! No fear of failure. No fear of success. Not you! Not your mama or your bald headed granny! (She got a big behind like Frankenstein!) I’m stiff arming haters and dick-riders.

Every time I say I’m going back to school, my friends and family say go ahead! I used to hesitate. Not anymore. It’s official. I’m paying Xavier off; I’m going back to school and I AIN”T NEVER LEAVING! NEVER!!! PhDs MDs and some more PhDs

I’m buying houses for free! And I’m bum-rushing LA because that’s how I feel. I’m recession proof from this day forward.

The funny thing is, I have been training for this day for years. With every misstep/experience, mistake/lesson I have grown into this impervious juggernaut of wisdom, serenity and courage.

That means more blogs, an actual website, more attention to my friends and family (the one’s who don’t get on my nerves), more visits, more living, more life, more drinks, more love, more lovin, books, houses, parties all over the globe, and every lie I ever told coming true.

Get ready…

What I Learned About Love

For those of you who don't know. This is what I do on Facebook. At least until I get famous doing it that is. Get ready to be indoctrinated or re-indoctrinated because I piled up quite a few blogs in the past two months. Love it or leave it alone. This is what I want to share with you all. (At least until we're in the same room[bedroom!]) The love...

"Love your neighbor just as much as you love yourself" Everyone knows that. But do they know the key?

They key is to love yourself first. It all starts with you. To change the world, to change our nation, to change our societies, to change our communities, to change our associations, to change our family, to change our careers, to change our neighborhoods; we must first change ourselves.

We tend to think that all we do is grow up and we’re done. We get jobs (Careers if we’re lucky), we get families, we become responsible, we buy grown up stuff and that’s it. But wait!

God is not finished with us yet. We can’t be finished with ourselves that easily. We cannot be finished with each other.

We each have a personal relationship with God but it does not end there. It all began with Jesus. It continues through us. God sent his love of the world through Jesus. Jesus sent his love through us. If we consider ourselves Christian we must pay it forward. The love of God is meant to be shared. Jesus is love. Love is meant to be shared.

Some of us receive or have received the love of God. We fail because we keep that love inside. Pay it forward. Quit being crabs with the blessings. God's love is never ending. Quit being so tight with the one or two blessings you've received so far. Give those away to make room for the next one's.

You know these types of messages usually lean toward money. You know how they put up the most charismatic speaker to trick into thinking it ain’t about money and then they collect a couple hundred thousand in front of your face. But I ain't talking about money. Too many people throw money at things so that they don't have to give of themselves. Let me give an example of what I'm talking about.

I was so close with my paternal Grandmother. She didn’t have much. I wasn’t spoiled by her b any means. My dad took care of her. Before she passed, she was bed ridden. She couldn't talk all the time but she would always give me a wink. I couldn't wink back. I couldn't wink at all. That is, I couldn't wink until she passed. Now her wink is mine to share with the world. So, when I give you a wink, it’s a big fuckin’ deal (to quote a special lady).

Many of us have inherited love from grandparents, family members, lovers, .... Too many of us hold on to that, mourning indefinitely. Crying is cool. (Really! I enjoy it sometimes.) But no matter how much you enjoy something, no one watches “Beaches” 24 hours a day for Seven straight years! Give it all away. Our ancestors gave us the love of God to be given out to the world. The people with the wealthiest and richest lives are the ones who give it all away.

They tried to throw us off by implying the “Most Giving Entertainer” of all time was broke. I’m going to have to teach all yall how to read Statistics. Here we all know Michael Jackson had debt totaling 500 million. But only one obscure reporting agency completed the sentence. Assets totaled over 800 million close to 900 million. And he gave and gave and gave. (And I ain’t talking about payoffs) I’m talking about true charity. Giving what you really care about. Giving what is valuable to you.

The point is we can’t let others determine God’s plan for us. We just have to pay attention and listen to God. And realize we still won’t know what to do but be good.

Whatever that means…

"...a slave does not know his master's plans..." John 15:15

Don't think this means I'm going to be all mushy to yall. It's tough love over here. Prepare for some considerate cussing outs!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What I Learned On Easter Sunday

What a way to end the Lenten Season! I think this was the best one ever. I actually went to church. I participated as much as possible. And I was actively growing. Plus, I am building new and wonderful relationships and getting rid of old stale ones. I have certainly learned a lot in church, at home, from friends, from lovers, at Buffalo Wild Wings and anywhere else I can pick up a pointer or two on life.

It seems like this year I have been working on my focus, both learning to discipline my mind enough to concentrate on what’s at hand as well as deciding what is important enough for my attention.

"We have all been blessed with a memory"

Our memories define us. Like everything in the world, they can be a blessing or a curse. If we choose to be defined by our pain we will continue to live painful lives. I know we all learn from our mistakes, but don’t we learn other ways as well? If the road of excess does truly lead to the palace of wisdom, does it have to be painful? Don’t we have good lessons? Is the entire world so hard-headed that we must always be spanked for a lesson to stick?

We are defined by the memories we choose.

We have so many memories we must choose the right ones to focus on. "Think of what is above, not what is on earth..." How often do we get caught up remembering grudges, disappointment, lusts and everything else but what is ultimately most important.

"Celebrate" the memories! (Like Maxwell House)

Our memories are our angels. We all have Grandmas, Grandpas, Parents...even some of us have children who left us with only memories of their goodness. (Godness) They lived and died only wanting the best for us. They are our angels. They are our ancestors. They are the memories we cherish.

I recently acquired a song from my childhood. It was so good to me then and now, I didn’t even realize it was a gospel song. Those have always been the gospel songs I like. If you are reading this on Facebook, check out the MySpace.

"We believe in a God who brings Victory over ALL!"

Remember, God is riding with us in victory. All we have to do is remember that we already won! Everyday! Not just on sunny days. We know how this all is going to end. So, why get stuck on the in between. When we get stuck it’s always either the past or something recent which is becoming the past holding us back. Anyhow, my apologies for my tardiness. I have to tell you all about this book I read. Off The CHAIN. And not just for the ladies.

(All of the un-accredited quotes belong to Father John)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What I Learned In and Out of Church

I had one of my better birthday weekends. I sorely missed my family but I also
enjoyed spending time with my Atlanta family. I got a ton of well wishers and
love for my birthday. And my party was off the CHAIN! L.A., you have a lot to
live up to when I get there.

I have been thinking this month building up to my birthday about all the new
things in my life I have to be grateful for. Even though it's been rough, my
life is great! All I have to do is look at it with different glasses. I have to
learn to see the good in ALL of the associations and relationships in my life.
The only way I can do that is to see the good in myself.

So let’s go to church…

Samuel 16:7 "The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at
outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

John 9 - "For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see
and those who see will become

You know I usually refer to entire chapters and you are encouraged to read the
entire chapters (Samuel 16, John 9, and Ephesians 5). Today, however, I’mma
just give you a sound bite and let you figure out the rest. After all, isn’t
that what we do all day every day? We only listen to parts of what each other
says. We only highlight certain parts of books. We watch music videos and
continuously flick channels on the TV. We don’t watch the game, we wait for the
highlights. I always hear that voice in my head while talking with someone
yelling – GET TO THE POINT.

And why?

So we can put our interpretation on the information we just received. And then we respond with our best judgment. And we keep finding shortcuts to rush to
judgments. Ten years after we were so idealistic, we are sitting wondering
(maybe), how we became so judgmental.....

What do we judge people on that doesn't really matter?

Too small, too short, too tall, too fat, too skinny, too young, too smart, too
stupid... For what? When did we become so judgmental? How have we limited
ourselves and our lives by prejudice? Who and what is missing from our lives
because we are afraid to step outside of the shells we've built for ourselves
over the years.

What really matters too you?

Some of the richest people dress and look and live like bums. The smartest man in the world is a cripple. Einstein couldn't remember where he lived. The bravest
of us have fears. A former Mr. Olympia turned out to be an excellent
politician. A fornicating NBA legend is becoming a legendary business man. I
feel the strongest connection with this little skinny white man who gave up sex
for life.

We live in such dark times. There are so many distractions from the good and
positive in the world. Many, many times it just seems hopeless. But then
someone makes it through. Someone succeeds and achieves everything they ever
dreamed. Then we have hope again. We wonder how they made it and what we need to do to make it too. It's simple. The light is in us. When we wake up and let
it shine and recognize the light in others, the world becomes a brighter place.

We pray - God give us faith to truly see.

Ephesians 5:14

"Wake up, O sleeper,
Rise from the dead,
And Christ will shine on you."

Friday, March 13, 2009

What I Gave Up For Lent

When I was in New Orleans, I wasn't a practicing Catholic. So, while I knew every year when Ash Wednesday (The beginning of Lent and the day after Mardis Gras) was, I wasn't into participating in Lent. Now that I am a practicing and participating Catholic, I always forget when Ash Wednesday is coming and don't remember to sacrifice anything until a week after Lent begins. That leaves me trying to figure out what I haven't done for a week so I can continue to sacrifice it for the rest of Lent. It's hard. I even did it this year. But then Father John said it plain - "There's only one thing we need to give up for Lent-....

Sin brings about distance from God. What are the things that separate us from the glory of God? Let me give you a hint…It’s not cheesecake. Hell, it’s not cigarettes, alcohol (Maybe sometimes), it’s not soaps, gambling, gossiping, eating out or buying
purses. It IS lying, cheating, stealing, killing, sleeping with the wrong
people, and any other sin we do over and over without accepting responsibility
for. And then who do we blame, we blame God for not answering our prayers. We
blame God when we give up trivial things for Lent and still don’t feel the
blessings God has for us.

"It's not God's fault."....
Take responsibility for your own actions. Stop sinning. Stop naked-dicking everyone
and anything and thinking it’s OK because you gave up Ice Cream for Lent. Take
a look at our role in the existence of evil in our world. You know your
favorite drinking partner ain’t shit, yet you continue to talk to them about who
you are dating. You keep hanging in the hood and getting arrested. Stop
hanging! Quit hanging with losers and wondering why you keep losing. ....
Repent. Repent from everything. Repent for loserdom. Repent from niggardom. Repent from naked-dicking. Repent from everything you know you do to yourself to make your
life miserable.....

To make simple and easy for you, try not being an asshole for  forty straight days.

Then get ready for the blessings.....

BTW If any of the words are foreign, I implore you to dig through my blog. I have full encyclopedic entries on many of the words you may have trouble with.

What I Learned in Church ... Three Weeks Ago

I have been in church (Dad). Tax season (and the ladies have) has just had me so busy lately. But the point of last week’s as well as this week’s sermon has been to keep movingtowards God's will with or without evidence. So, I am getting organized despite the many, many distractions to that goal. ....

Last week we discussed Job's trials. He asked - what is the purpose? His trials seemed unending. He could not imagine there ever being any light in his life because it was just that dark for him. Then Saul discussed the difference in motivations between him and
other “prophets”. Some accepted gifts which he refused. Some lived a lot better
and he stayed away from even normal accommodations when traveling. So what was
his “purpose”. And then there was Jesus.....
The lines he faced seeking healing in his travel…HIS work was unending. And then he died for all of our sins! ....
These men who laid the foundation of our faith obviously did not do it for the glory.
There was none. Life was not as bad for contemporaries like Martin Luther King Jr.
He still spent many nights in jail, took many beatings and ultimately died.

For what?....

And then this week I was throwed off by the first text. It was the beginning and end of an entire chapter in Leviticus about determining if someone had leprosy and what to do to cure them of it. But then Saul says – “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you
do, do it all for the glory of God”.
That was in reference to manners and hospitality when you are entertaining or
being entertained by people of different backgrounds and/or beliefs. And it was
all wrapped up with Jesus running to the outskirts of town to get a break from
healing. Father John proceeded to ask "Why is there confusion about what
God wants?” ....
Since I was still working on last week, it was easy to go back to my question – “For what?” If we do it for God’s glory and there is no promise of reward in this lifetime,
what is our motivation. After all we are here in this world of pay raises and
fifteen minutes of fame and the unending popularity contests. ....
Working where I do, I learn it is the most humble of us who don’t have to worry about money and/or recognition. Hell, it’s the brokest people who want the flashiest cars. And during tax season, the naked-dickers come out the wood works. High-fallootin
and flashing the “Gs” they get for babies they don’t take care of. “Sorry baby.
No college fund. Mommy got to put rims on the 87 Hyundai and then hit the
Verr-sai-chee outlet.” All the while, the millionaires amongst us are happy to
hop in an Escort or low-key Honda Accord (The square one! Not the 97s!) and
ride on home.

Our great hope, who drove a Chrysler 300 until he wasn’t allowed to drive himself anymore, says it will get worse before it gets better. Perhaps it is time to let go of the world as we knew it. It is definitely time for a change. Job’s life didn’t turn around
until he stopped looking at the world and went within himself to see the glory
of God. Saul died a martyr (possibly under house arrest). We don’t know of
Paul(Saul) ever complaining about his lot. In fact he was so happy to serve, people
jumped to convert to Christianity. And we all know of Jesus. White or Black, he
is always portrayed as a raggedy dude who lived in caves and slept on floors.
Buddha is fat. Mohammed was an illiterate dummy. And Vishnu was and eight armed
elephant thing. ....
Perhaps having to focus on someone else’s glory, will give us a chance to step away
from the pity party that is our life. Life get’s so much easier when we give up
our hang ups and focus on something bigger than our petty lives. All successful
people put God (Whatever that means to you) first, family second and then the world
gets the scraps. ....
So, for what? For God. For our families. The one we are born with and the one we build. For the future. I never understood until recently when people say – sacrifice is
its own reward. I can see myself giving up my life as I knew it for the family
I’m building. Can you?....

Just ask yourself - Why am I doing it?


I do it for Hip Hop!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Years Resolution 2009

My senior year in High School (GO COUGARS!), I was involved in WAY too many organizations and taking WAY too many AP classes. So many, in fact, I actually forgot to take one test. Luckily it was Calculus BC and I didn't mind being forced to pick up easy A's in college. One of my AP teachers noticed this and intervened early in my first semester. She flat out told me I was stretched way too thin. I resisted her request to give up a class or an activity but she sweetened the pot by telling me she would simply fail me for being late to class no matter how smart I was. It turned out to be the best decision I ever made. Senior year was a blast. I chilled, studied (mostly chilled) and generally kicked it like never before. The class was only US History. Another class I didn't mind picking up an easy A in.

I don't remember the teacher (she was new and I never got a chance to know her). I will never forget our talk however. Since then, I have always been conscious of spreading myself too thin. As I was reflecting on on 2008 and thinking of the new things on the horizon in 2009, I found myself in a similar dilemma.

I was so burned out with work and extra-curricular activities early in 2008 that I was just getting rested up in December. AND I wanted to do more in 2009. So, I have to let somethings go. I considered giving up my job. I considered celibacy. I considered settling down...

...all those things ended up being New stuff on top of the old stuff. Giving up my job would be more work. Becoming celibate...fuck that! And it was WAY WAY too much work trying to settle with one woman (I'm not talking about you.). I was actually thinking about giving up who I was, hoping that would free me.

So I made my list of goals in 2009. Obviously, I would have to give some things up in order to accomplish my goals this year. I was just looking in the wrong places. resolution is in fact to get rid off all the dead weight in my life.

I plan on being 100% of the asshole that I am to accomplish this goal. This is notice to all the people in my life. ALL. If you STILL need to get your shit together after I have been supporting and supportive of you in 2008, I'm changing the locks on my house, on my phone, on my computer, on my life.

I'm not actually about beating people up. (They won't learn nothing that way.) I destroy egos and crush emotions. I find myself on the verge of something great.

I'm not there yet! But people still want to hang on like I'm going to carry their crab asses with me. That goes for family, friends (old and new), lovers, whores, the gardener, tenants, Sarah Palin and whoever else needs to be told.

Some noticeable differences will be: an increased attention early on in the year. I won't answer the phone nearly as much as I did before. I did hang up on you on purpose this year. Yes, you sound dumb. No, you can not borrow anything,...In fact...don't you owe me...(Let me check your pockets!)...Deebo Check! Fool! And I don't have it. I don't have the time. I don't have a dollar.

I do love you (My Family and friends) But this year is tough love. Deal with it.

The phrase for '09 is "Get off my dick!"

Coming up next 25 Things you didn't know

(BTW-The Myspace blog has a soundtrack!)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Word Of The Day: Secret Squirrel

Current mood: amused
Category: Blogging

The word of the day is Secret Squirrel

Secret Squirrel was a cartoon from the sixties which was revived in '93. I came up with the name in reference to the most cartoon-ish way in which people try to sneak around, have secrets, or just lie stupidly. A normal secret is not secret squirrel. Secret squirrel is only in reference absolutely absurd attempts at hiding information you may already know. Just like the cartoon I amuse myself watching the foolish pretend they know more than me.

I'm sure many of you know secret squirrel naked-dickers.

P.S. I have my New Years resolutions to share with you later tonight or tomorrow.

You are stinking hilarious & I love how you do nothing but tell the truth like it is. Good job!

Lol one person I can think of is Plies with his white teeth(unless he doesn't brush them) that he tries to hide by wearing gold teeth over them. Just absurd!!!! ITS PLIES BEBE!!!!