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Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's Complicated

I almost forgot my dedication: dis one iz fo ma nigga Rollin Dee from da 213

I said I wouldn’t name any names so, let’s just say I have a friend named CJ. CJ got at me five years ago on MySpace. Over the past five years, CJ and I have become good friends. I had to cuss her out at first for trying to get at me. Then I gave her plenty of relationship advice. I’ve guided her through a myriad of low-lifes and random assed naked-dickers. She listens to most of it save one thing. CJ has been married for about nine years. Her husband has been in Iraq for the majority of the time. She and her husband married out of High School and haven’t been getting along for at least seven of those nine years. Today, she has “a boo” and her husband is home. He is routinely denied sex and even ridiculed in addition to watching his wife go out with another man. All the while, her relationship status has been listed as “married”.

I like to keep things simple. I’m going to call things like they are. While this is my friend, she knows she needs to get a divorce. For whatever reason, she hasn’t yet and until then, she knows I consider her a slut-bucket. She keeps it simple. No lying about who you are and no uncertainty about her situation. She is a whore bag. Her husband got the Iraq disease. And anyone who fucks with her knows he is going to hell for fucking another man’s wife. Simple.

That was life for me the past few years. I am a big subscriber to the K.I.S.S. school of thought. I Keep It Simple Stupid at all cost. There is no point in trying to over complicate things. All you are doing is trying to outsmart yourself. All you end up actually doing is looking insincere or retarded. So no matter how smart I feel I am, I always keep things as simple as possible.

So I’ve been noticing the networking sites lately have added a relationship option. The label – ‘It’s Complicated’ – has me all thrown off! Initially, I wanted to go with the flow, accept this new relationship status and imagine there is someone with a crazier situation than CJ. But then, Fuck that! What is so difficult to explain about your situation that you have to add another classification? You are either Married, Single, In a Relationship, Divorced, Widowed or Slore (Slut-Whore).

So I asked. I asked individually. I asked the whole of FaceBook. Getting answers was not so easy. It was always “a long story”. To the contrary, the few stories I did get weren’t that long at all. Most, if not all, were not that complicated at all. Some people were in long distance relationships. A lot were married and didn’t want to be. A few liked people who may or may not have liked them back. Most involved uncertainty about whether the other person wanted to be in a committed relationship with them. Contrary to my initial thoughts, nothing was crazier than CJ’s situation. Perhaps there really is a “Long Story” out there that truly is too “Complicated” to share.

They are likely to be all like this story:

Being involved with someone for almost 10 yrs of your life and to find out it was a waste of time. I use the word "involved" because there was never the "commitment" term used. We catered towards each other sexually and mentally, but the only time emotions got involved was when I threatened to leave him alone. The big break was when someone else got pregnant, that's when it hit me really hard that I was 2nd. Nothing he said made the hurt go away, not even her losing the child made the hurt go away. As long as I was within driving distance, the hurt continued, so I removed myself from the equation. The hurt slowly subsided, the blocking wall came down, and I could finally breathe, laugh and smile again. My mind thought is and always will be, is to never (knowly) be 2nd. Even if we are casually having sex, and you are entertaining the other woman more then me, then I am 2nd. Never again, only #1 for took me a while, but I learned to REALLY LOVE ME!!!!!

The bottom line is all ALL relationships are complicated, if you want your life to be so. If you are married, it will be hard and you can quickly make it complicated, whether you like your spouse or not. I’m sure we all have “Long Stories” about being single. Getting your groove back after a divorce can be difficult. If we choose to, we can decide any situation is hard and allow our lives to become “Complicated”. But why?

Times are hard. We all have stories. Why make them “Long”? I always find relationships to be one thing that is easy to keep simple. People either like each other or they don’t. You either have a husband/wife/significant other or you want to be a slut puppy. Perhaps the complication comes from not wanting to be honest about your real intentions. There either is trust or there isn’t. Let’s keep it real though. I like you. You like me. Let’s fuck, date, get married, break-up, make-up, live together, go half on a baby, hold hands, whatever. What’s complicated about that?