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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Battle Blog #1: Michelle Obama vs. Clutch

So I’m on a mission to become a battle blogger. My new deal is finding bad writers, sell-outs and frauds and starting shit with them.

            Target 1: Althea Legal-Miller’s article in Clutch Magazine this morning

From the title I could tell where she was going with the article. Michelle Obama Undressed: Lost in Translation or Just Racist? Who wouldn’t pick racist? Racism is popular again. And who’s responsible? Clutch and Althea Legal Miller for taking the easy way out.

While she is aware of the background behind the image of Michelle Obama, Legal-Miller chose to gloss over the details and direct the readers to her simplistic view of things. “We must be vigilant” So look at things my way. I have to make it under the word limit so let me NOT bother to explain the article or the portrait. Let’s not bother with the fact that Michelle Obama is the only black subject in a portfolio of art nudes that includes Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, Kate Middleton, Albert Einstein and The President. That doesn’t matter neither does it matter that the portrait is based on a portrait of a recently freed French slave, a symbol of freedom (for women and black people) in France.
            “Michelle Tataranieta De Esclava, Dueña De América” (Michelle Granddaughter of a Slave, Lady of America) It’s (Michelle great-granddaughter of slave, owner of America) Lost in Translation? How about, I didn’t even bother to translate? I’m just mad about a bunch of stuff in America so let’s just call it racist. That way, we don’t have to bother learning about other cultures or histories. Understanding people’s differences is not our job. They’re just supposed to understand us. How hard is that?
            Apparently, it must be easier to understand us than it is for a writer/journalist to use google chrome to translate the Spanish newspaper into English. And, of course, we’ve never met an artist who assumes we should already know what message they are trying to convey. So “obvious reasons” HAS to mean racism to us. Racism is the most obvious thing in America. Not freedom. Not growth. Not success. It’s all racism. Just ask Madame Noire (That’s right! I went in on two magazines) and listen for while to the video on the side. They actually mention judging people on character not race. Imagine that.

If Althea Legal-Miller and Brande Victorian are so concerned with being seen as slaves, maybe they will consider actually educating and informing readers instead of selling out their intelligence.


Sunday, August 19, 2012


This is an apology of sorts.

I'm sorry I'm away so much. This past month and a half have been interesting. Trying to find a way to organize my highly volatile life into a productive schedule, learning to say yes to life and no to users, getting sucked into playing diplomat for my High School Alumni and trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with my new friends.

SUPER exciting!

But for the last week I have been troubled . I wasn't doing what I Loved. And, come to find out, it has been over a month and a half since Decision 2012!!! I can't believe it. I've gone time before but I've been so caught up with life that I kept thinking it had only been a week or two. Six weeks later...I'm rambling an apology to to my readers.

So I was working on call with a moving company. That was fun. I got some exercise. I made a friend or two.  I got a bank account for free. I felt like I was winning. In a way, I was. It was definitely a step in the right direction. But it was just that, a step.
An English man working with the moving company gave the most appropriate answer when I asked him what he really did. He said, I haven't found my passion yet. Another coworker was actually following his passion. So much so that he would refuse to work at times to be in his studio. So profound and inspiring. Still, I wasn't a fit there. Temping/Waiting Tables here I come! So I learned to stick with my passion although I haven't been producing of late. It's fine. I"ll figure it out.

I've began working with two other companies since April. I am now you local Herbalife distributor. That is not a plug. I don't care if you want to stay fat. I don't care if you think you know everything there is to know about health. I live in Los Angeles. Everyone wants a beach body. I can help. No magic pills but delicious shakes and aloe and tea and health! Take it or leave it. Me Vale Verga
AND I'm super excited to have been invited back into the Real Estate industry. I have been certain for years that I could make money even in this economy with real estate. Now, I get to prove myself right. And I'm doing it with some Real Go Getters!
And I had to chump off my travel business sponsor. Not actually, but she's beggin for it. The last time my travel sponsor called me selfish for not convincing business morons that they can sale. I am a business man. I can sale. I am so good at it that I can sale by telling the truth. I can sale BECAUSE I tell the truth. I will not lie to socially inept people and sale them a business built around social networking. Just because you have no passion for anything in life, doesn't mean that everyone else is hopeless. So no! While I say yes to business and getting my own travel agency, NO to the bullshit that goes along with it.

Speaking of bullshit. My high school won the Hoodie Award for Best High School. Somehow I ended up behind the scenes of the drama that went along with it. I just wanted to help. My school needs it. My alumni need it. Mostly, it seems, my alumni need it. Some people who graduated from my high school LONG before I did must still believe they are in high school because they insist on cliquing up. Granted I am accepted and invited into all circles, but this is not about me. Charity is completely selfless. If any parties involved in the political behind the scenes of my high school alumni read this, SELFLESS. Whatever bullshit you insist on keeping up this year WILL be outed. I was warned about the snakes. I'm not worried about them one bit. I was given power to trample/tread/crush all snakes. So good luck people. I will win. My school will win. We always do!

And on top of all that, as my good friend would say - I'm sitting back munching on my Pop Secret popcorn watching people reveal themselves and their dysfunction.

Anyway, I'm back to work.
More to come...