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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Word: Accept God's Timing


I am starting a Fantasy Basketball league. I got my ass handed to me in Fantasy Football. It will not happen with basketball. I WILL NOT LOSE!
I visited my bosses church this weekend. VERY entertaining I must say! There was a word but it was so brief and redundant, I won't even bother. I do plan on giving it another chance. It was their 12th anniversary. There was a lot of self promoting and not much of anything else. We'll see if there's only one collection the next time

[UPDATE]: I lost in Fantasy Basketball. Moral of the story, Ain't nobody got time fo' dat! Bosses church was equally full of shit on regular Sundays...

And with that said...
My sister sent this to me and since it 1. wasn't a chain letter and 2. (I means B) it was thoughtful, I'll share. Mostly I'm shocked it wasn't a chain. So read on. There are no threats on your life (sexual or otherwise):

God gives us hopes and dreams for certain things to happen in our lives, but He doesn't always allow us to see the exact timing of His plan. Although frustrating, not knowing the exact timing is often what keeps us in the program. There are times when we might give up if we knew how long it was going to take, but when we accept God's timing, we can learn to live in hope and enjoy our lives while God is working on our problems. We know that God's plan for our lives is good, and when we entrust ourselves to Him, we can experience total peace and happiness. The book of Genesis tells the story of Joseph, who waited many years for the fulfillment of the dream God had given him. He was falsely accused and imprisoned before the time came for him to do what God had shown him he was to do. Exodus 13:17,18 tells us that God led the Israelites the longer, harder way on their journey to the Promised Land because He knew they were not yet ready to go in. There had to be time for their training, and they had to go through some very trying situations. They wasted a lot of time wondering about God's timing, but God never failed to take care of them and show them what He wanted them to do. The same is true in our lives. God's training period simply requires us to do what He tells us to do when He tells us to do it...without questioning or trying to figure everything out.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us: To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven. This lets us know that we all don't live in the same season at the same time. You should never be jealous of someone who is enjoying harvest while you're still in the planting season. Remember, they had to go through a season of planting just as you are. Seeing the results they are enjoying should be an encouragement to you. Understand and trust that God is doing the very best for you in your present season. Seedtime represents learning the will of God. If you want to be victorious, you cannot afford to get pulled into the world's system, doing what you feel like doing. James 1:21 tells us what we should do: ...get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness, and in a humble (gentle, modest) spirit receive and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted [in your hearts] contains the power to save your souls.

That was profoundly

Saturday, December 1, 2007

GOD Laid This BS On My Heart

This trailer is about the NEW NEW Denzel Movie. This one is hot like ROSEWOOD at the end! Check it out. CHRISTMAS '07!!!

And now our feature presentation...

Well, maybe he did...

In preparation for my report on church tomorrow, (I'm going to a different Baptist Church. WELCOME TO ATLANTA!) this story is about my girlfriend's ex who is now apparently a stalker.

Tuesday, he keeps calling and texting while we're out to eat. He says he just has to share something because "GOD laid this on his heart". It got me to thinking: Do people come with that church angle just to save themselves from an ass whippin?

Whatever the origin of this ridiculous saying. Just add it to the ever growing list of Church People Cliches that make my ears (and heart: pun intended) hurt every time I hear them.

But seriously, SO MANY people see fit to blurt shit out that - "GOD laid on their hearts" lately. What about all the other people trying to lay shit on you? The devil can also LAY something on your heart. Is it GOD all the time?

BTW - The Ex was abusive and what God laid on his heart was for her to come back to him to continue being abused because God told him that but didn't motivate him to change his ways at all...

We gotta be careful. God may run up to you and punch you in the lip with something too! Or God might lay with your neighbor next door because no one answered when he came by your house. (WHAT WERE YOU UP TO?) God may lay something in your bed. The devil is subtle and God is mysterious. So either way, you are not meant to know what's going on all the time. You better WATCH!

Let go, let God and watch your ass because the devil waiting to catch you slippin!

I'm feeling the last line. Ain't nothing BUT the truth!