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Monday, May 24, 2010

Daily Words For One Week

I am free and unlimited.

Freedom is more than a state of being; it is also astate of mind. When my mind is free, I am at peace. I am open to the wisdom of God, the wisdom that leads me to hoy and fulfillment.
As I open my mind and heart to God, I am free. In realizing me oneness with God, I release the chains of negative thought and limitation and adopt and inner knowing of love and freedom. The words of a favorite hymn remind me: I am free. I am unlimited. There are no chains that bind me. I am free. I am unlimited, right now! Right now, I feel peace and freedom. Right now, I let go of the past and move forward in my life. Right now, I begin anew with a free spirit and joyful heart.

Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, O righteous and shout for joy, all you upright in heart.
-Psalm 32:11

I work with others in harmony and peace.

I am a magnificent creation of God, blessed with physical, mental and emotional abilities that enable me to co-create wonderful moments in life. I live in a world filled with other people who are wondrous creations, and as I connect with them, my power to co-create multiplies.
In my workplace, community or household, the best results often come through shared efforts toward a common goal. I model the ability to listen to others and consider their ideas. When I work with others effectively, the world is a little more harmonious than it would be otherwise. I celebrate the willingness and ability of all people to work together in harmony and oneness.

You are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God.
-Ephesians 2:19

I promote harmony by being at peace.

We are the peace of God in expression right where we are. As we join with one another in thought, prayer and action, we contribute to a sacred network of harmony, a powerful consciousness of peace that is growing person by person every day.
In every neighborhood, community, city, and country, we promote harmony, mutual understanding and cooperation as expressions of our spiritual nature, our true nature. We recognize and treat one another as sacred beings who are sharing in the abundance of our divine inheritance. Each thoughtful word and caring gesture is evidence of the love of God expressing through us to the world.

The dawn from on high will break upon us, …to guide our feet into the way of peace.
-Luke 1:78,79

What a week of reflection, reconnection and rebuilding! I started last month determined to focus on myself. The mantra was – I can’t help you if you I haven’t helped myself first. So I looked within and sought to build myself into someone who could help those around me. I distanced myself from everyone.
Having a clean slate, I can seek to add people to my circle. I am peaceful and strong in spirit so my persona attracts like individuals. I may have distanced myself from good friends who have similar positive outlooks. It feels really good to reconnect with them in a new harmony. I celebrate having God in common with my true friends and family.
And so we grow! Each of us has taken the time to reflect and become strengthened in spirit. Then we come together as a group of like-minded, strong individuals. This growth within ourselves is reflected in our group and harmony spreads to our friends and family to our neighborhoods to our communities to cities to our nations and throughout the world. And it all started with one person. Me. And became us!