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Thursday, February 25, 2010


The word today is “Love”. Another word we need to look at on this day of love is “trust”. As we find ways to express our love for each other and ourselves, let’s explore trust. We make overt actions to show our love to each other. We find the easiest way to love one another is to start by loving ourselves. As we practice prayer and meditation we see that the power of God is within us. It comes from the love we generate within ourselves. But the question - is do we trust? Do we trust God, do we trust ourselves, do we trust each other?

Our actions seem to be out of love. But is it Agape? Is it unselfish love? Do we love fully? If we do not fully trust in the God, our neighbors and ourselves; we do not love fully.

These past two weeks, I’ve shown a lot of people a TON of trust. I spent money, getting things done before people paid me only to find out they didn’t believe I would be able to do what I say. I always deal with people with trust. I feel like if I do what I say and you do what you say, we’ll have smooth dealings for all of our days. I feel like if I am 100% percent honest people will reciprocate. I know it’s naïve and utopian, but we believe in God. We believe in heaven. Aren’t all of our practices so that we can live in heaven with God? Isn’t heaven a utopia?


Even I hold back though. I rationalize. I put God to the test. I try God up all the time.

That’s ALL of our attitudes.

Even if we call ourselves Christians, spiritual, religious, faithful, whatever; we feel entitled. “Why shouldn’t we indulge ourselves? We worked hard. We’ve been faithful. We tithe. We’re practicing Lent. Give me something mister!” And when he doesn’t give it to us, we take matter into our own hands. Our patience wears thin. [I just wrote that! OUR PATIENCE WITH GOD WEARS THIN!] We do crazy things like asking another god for help. [I said that too! I’m just pointing out what more than one person in the world does.]

“ I stopped living by the core values that I was taught believed in. I convinced myself that normal rules don’t apply. I thought only about myself. I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I felt that I worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled.” – (See the next paragraph if you don’t know)

Our prayers are – “Oh God, give me this…” As if God doesn’t know already. Are we that impatient? Are we Tiger Woods (look up)? Why don’t we trust God enough to thank him for what we have AND for the known and unknown blessings he has in store?

When I worked for people. I could be in between jobs. I never had a worry. I knew there was something ahead. Something better. I still believe. Doubt has crept in lately but I am learning to ignore it. I don’t like to go backwards. But I must go back to the days when life was an adventure and I never knew what to expect. I have hopes, dreams, goals, plans and expectations but I know now that my path is not straight. I am not deterred from my goals but I look forward to the journey as well as the end. I will trust God.

Now that I work for myself. I am in a position where I have to invoice people. I have to anticipate payments. I take chances financially. I have to trust people. I do trust people. I wonder though if my blind trust and faith in God and people is SO unbelievable that I inspire distrust. I wonder. Is the devil that strong? Is evil that prevalent?

I remember Flip Wilson saying “The Devil Made Me Do It!” It was funny. But…
What does God make you do? We talk so much about The Struggle, The Man, Haters, Racism, Sexism, Abuse, Sinning, Backsliding, The Electric Slide, The Cha Cha Shuffle (That’s the devil!) and everything else that’s wrong with the world, it’s like that’s what we believe in.

I like to ask – why not. I mean life is so wonderful with possibilities, I dare people to give me a good reason why not to explore the next one. I got SO many actual answers, I am beginning to be certain that we expect the devil to prevail. We expect evil. And if that’s what we expect, then that’s where our trust is. So it seems like we trust the devil more than trust God. That can’t be. Can it?

We wake up everyday and proclaim God’s goodness to the world. Then we go out there. And by the time we get back…It’s not all the fuzzy bunnies and little birds chirping. It’s who got on our nerves and why we need a drink and temptations that we may or may not have given in to.

God promised us blessings. He didn’t say how. He didn’t say what or which or who or when. He just promised. Isn’t that good enough? I mean - he’s God. Isn’t THAT good enough? Aren’t we good enough?

He is. I am. We are.

Trust me. God told me.

Facebook | George G. Tolbert II

Facebook | George G. Tolbert II

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Word of The Day - Dick Control and Naked Dicker

I thought so.I honor of August 22, 2007. And as retribution for my incessant use of the "N" word. I have two new Words Of The Day.

Word Of The Day 1


Dick-Control is easy to explain. It only has about three percent to do with sex. Dick-Control (which can also be called Pussy-Control for the P.C.[but fuck Pussies!]) is all about self control. The sexual reference explains it all and it stops there and continues in your everyday life. Sexually, it takes practice and patience to truly have dick-control. In life, it takes the same. Unfortunately, many people try to have dick control in bed and never apply the same principles in life. The result is a truly tumultuous life. In niggah talk, we runnin around with big dicks and cain't fuck.
I noticed the parallel after listening to a slew of niggahs talking about fucking all the time. But not really having any control over the important aspects of their lives. When I really listened though, I noticed these dudes didn't actually have any dick control. I mean, at no time talking with these guys do they ever seem in control. The option of not fucking is not available for them. Standards do not exist. They live by no rules or codes. It was then I realized what Dick-Control really was. Think about people we view as non-sexual who are extremely successful. We may say - Fuck that! I got to get mine. But is that (Sex, morons) what we really want. How often do you put your goals on hold for temporary pleasures? The answer to that is what Dick-Control is all about.Practice tantra. Learn your self. Become master of your domain. And lead your life in the direction YOU choose. Good luck bitches!

Word Of The Day 2

This is the new "N" word. Since, as I've noticed these past few days, niggahs have not gone away at all. To the contrary, niggahs are thriving. Someone is seeing fit actually give niggahs money and put them on pedestals (slave blocks) as role models for the youth. It is to the point where niggahs and niggardom is going beyond race, region, sexual orientation, religion, and even class. So we still need a word to verbalize the existence (most time in frustration) of these collective low lifes. That word is Naked-Dicker.
A naked-dicker is derivative of the verb Naked-Dickin which is the act of having sex with a bare dick and pussy. Naked-Dickin is practiced exclusively by unmarried couples (or married people having sex with people they are not married too[sinners]). You can be a naked-dicker by naked-dickin but just like niggardom, naked-dickers have grown to include virgins, sexual and non-sexual people as well as already being spread across classes, races and social standings. Naked-Dickers are modern day niggers.
Just like niggahs, their attitude and behavior show no class, no restraint, no responsibility, no childcare, no planning, and most importantly, no rubbers. Since the entertainment industry, drug trade, real estate and McDonald's are making niggahs rich, we wonder who it is draining our tax dollars, besides George Bush. It is naked-dickers.
Naked-Dickers have kids they can't afford, call them miracles and ask us to support their unplanned families. Or they expect to be rewarded for taking care of responsibilities they bring upon themselves. Let's give Johnny a paid vacation (although he is constantly late to work after just starting two days ago) because he is struggling to take care of the three kids and five babie's-mamas (and doing a mediocre job at that). Yay for Johnny! He's an OK baby-daddy! Let's have a parade for OK baby-daddies! And let's give Tasha a pardon for stealing diapers for her six kids who are all the same age and have (According to Maury Povich) 14 fathers. While we're at it lets give her hella food stamps and a gang of money.
Today, naked-dickers are taking it so far beyond the kids! Naked-Dickers are not responsible for anything they do. If they didn't go to school and do their homework the way they should, who are you to give them a hard time for not being able to read. How dare you be afraid to hire a felon! He/she wouldn't have a record if it wasn't for snitches. Speaking of which, Naked-Dickers are behind that ridiculous Stop-Snitching campaign as well as all those dumb-assed T-shirts that announce proudly - I sell drugs.

Sound's like niggahs to me! So there you have it. Naked-Dickers in all there pitiful splendor.

Word of The Day - Naked-Dickin

Naked Dickin

The word is quite literal. It refers to having sex without any form of birth control. The dick is naked people! Hence, the term Naked Dickin. I can (AND WILL) go on and on about Naked Dickers. (People who recklessly have Naked Dick sex) That's another time and another word.

Word of The Day - Retard

This word is one you already know. It's just one of my favorites


Did you know it's OK to say retarded when referring to a person of limited mental abilities? It's also OK to call someone retarded (even to their face!). You can be extra P.C. and add mentally to the front if you like.

It's not OK to say Retard or Tard. As is - Hey Retard! Or - I looked like a tard in that picture. Bad form guys. Poor form.

But think. Being retarded is one of the few things a person will always admit to if he really is in fact retarded. Truly dumb people will never admit to being dumb. A real idiot will never call himself that. A retard will say he is retarded day in and day out.


...or will he/she? Maybe there are retards trying to live like ordinary people...

Friday, February 5, 2010

What I Learn Daily Thursday 2-4-10

In this moment, I am creating the life I choose.

Moments are fleeting. Once passed, they cannot be recaptured. Each moment is a precious gift and holds the promise of a new beginning.
Throughout my day, I allow the presence of God to fill me with an awareness of this now moment. I release my thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow and bask in the wonder of the present moment for the gift that it is. Each moment is a building block upon which my life is created. Every loving thought, every kind word, every prayer, adds to the solid foundation of my life.
Moment by moment, I am creating a full and fulfilling life.

The quote is Luke Chapter Six, Verse 48. READ the complete chapter. But it goes – “That one is like a man building a house, who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock; when a flood arose, the river burst against the house but could not shake it, because it had been well built.”

Once we find out what we love, we can begin to build a life around that because everything we do from then on will be out of love.

I have been working on a way to convince people to focus on the here and now and not focus on the past so much. The way I picture it is people walking through life backwards. While you may start out admiring past accomplishments, eventually not being able to see what’s going on right now will have its effect. You still talk about the future so you think you have things under control. But you start to notice the effects of neglect on your recent past. You say – “How did I miss that?” You starting asking – “What happened?” “I was straight. I had everything under control.” Your reality went from “what’s happening right now” to “what happened”.

Sometimes the future is too bright or too bleak. You have to turn away. You end up turning away from the future so much, you end up walking backwards too! Whether you focus on the past or the future, you’ll eventually end up walking through life backwards.

Turn around! Look around you. Today it was raining but I felt so good it seemed a little brighter outside than a rainy day was supposed to be. At least until someone tried to play with me. (I don’t like playing) I feel better now. Check it out!


…and if you can’t be good be good at it!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What I Learn Daily 2-4-10

By following my potential and my passion, I fulfill my divine purpose.

Today I ask myself: Am I doing what I love? If the answer is no, perhaps it is time to reevaluate why I am pursuing something that may be out of alignment with my heart’s desires.
To discover my divine purpose, I turn within and see what lights my inner flame. As I consider different options, I feel an immediate surge of energy, creativity and excitement as I connect with my purpose and discover my true calling.
Perhaps I am hesitant to proceed for some reason. If this is the case, I take the matter directly to God in prayer. There is a way for me to follow my passion and fulfill my potential. The perfect path awaits if I have the courage to believe.

The quote is Matthew Chapter Nine, Verse 28. READ the complete chapter and focus on the end.

I will find out on March 27th. Or possibly before that. Today begins the Writing Blitz. Write. Write. Write. Writing like I’ve never written before. No TV! (Or very little) No Video Games! Definitely taking a vow of celibacy. Perhaps no masturbation. Perhaps! A LOT of meditation. Chapter 2 of The Master Key Program. “Think about nothing” WOW!

So let’s see what comes out of a commitment to my potential and my passion.

And remember the question - are you doing what you love and living up to your potential?