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Monday, April 11, 2011

The Natural Man

26 Natural Man

            We are born to sin. It’s in our nature… Tell that shit to God.
(St. Peter with a trap door) – “We want you to talk to another one of our angels. Stand over that square over there please. Yes. Right there…”

            Something was a little off with dude. When I met him, he was cool. We spoke a little. He was into the Bible. He told me about the prayer circle. There was something else underneath, though. He was a little negative ALL the time. He was always crying about something. It took nearly a month for it to all come out but when it did, I finally got it.
            I keep my mouth shut to avoid arguments but I always side with the guards, no matter what. (In jail/prison, all inmates are supposed to be against the guards, no matter what.) This time in jail is our opportunity to develop habits which will make us better citizens when it’s time to go home. The guards take it upon themselves to instill discipline in addition to the routine. Each of us has a different idea about discipline. Why should I take their attempt at positivity personal? What better models for NOT going to jail do we have anyway?

            Dude took it personal.

I waited until the next time he did it to engage him. “He treat us like kids” We are kids. We are children of God in the developmental stage. And more to the point, our immaturity led us here. “I’m a grown ass man.” [If you must remind people… Obviously… No… No. SMH] This is his attempt at giving us the discipline we need.  Everyone in here, innocent or guilty, is in here because of lack of discipline. “We all sinners. He sin too.” But he’s disciplined enough to stay out of here and seek salvation elsewhere. We are all sinners but we don’t have to stay that way. “It’s in our nature to sin. We can’t shange.”

            Ah ha!

            So there it was. A natural man. A man driven purely by ego. That explains all the crying. The complaining. The self-absorbedness without self awareness. The self serving without self control. The over inflated sense of self with complete lack of self esteem.
            That is the Natural Man. The Natural Man is completely ego driven, utterly impulsive, very animalistic, often misled, totally insecure and vulnerable; and completely unaware of any of this. Eckhart Tolle in The New Earth and my friend Kobe actually sum it up succinctly.”The ego is a liar”
            Kobe actually called it the subconscious. The ego runs the subconscious. The ego does all the lying. As well, the ego does all the covering up for the lies and the ensuing shortcomings
            Contrary to popular opinion Photobucket a large ego is not connected to a healthy or high self esteem. In fact, a large ego will kill self esteem and tell you everything is better than fine, it’s great! The ego’s main concern is comfort. View the natural reaction to change. The ego tells you to reject change. As far as growth, the ego will make some concessions to stimulate growth. SOME. In fact, the natural man never fully matures. He simply readjusts his comfort zones.
            The natural man is, in short, a big baby. PhotobucketHe may pay bills. Maybe he goes to work. The natural man can seem normal. It is only when you get to motivations that the ego’s role become more apparent. In jail/prison, among a larger selection of unsophisticated individuals, the motivations are laid bare. Now it is easier to read and relate the behavior of the natural man. In sophisticated society, men and women can hide behind facades. There is not of that in jail/prison. Just ego, out in the open.
            Let me assuage the emotional, twitter readers. When I say inmates are very animalistic, that is to say their behavior is not very far evolved from animals. I am not referring to violence but more so to violent mood swings.
            Inmates prove the perfect specimen like a one celled amoeba or mendels flowers for genetic study. There are so few variables to consider. Assuming Darwin was right, welcome to the monkey house! There is some home training, but the priorities are low. Eat, sleep, shit, smoke and jack. Bathing is optional. Again it’s a comfort concession of the ego. Natural men who can’t smell themselves may be guilted into bathing but smoking, horseplay and talking shit take priority.
            Conversations are very telling. Lack of sophistication makes ego very apparent. No one asks for anything right out. The ego can’t stand rejection so every request is prefaced with another question. “Are you going to eat that?” Only when the reqest is certain to be granted will it be made outright. Even then, it may not be in the form of a question. “Let me get that”
            In here, we witness the irresponsible and irresponsive. Most inmates are innocent. The admittedly guilty (drug dealers/addicts) still place blame on others. “My dumb ass girl let the cops search the house.” “[insert any county/police organization] is fucked up. They be all smelling drugs and searching (finding two ounces sitting in the passenger seat like a person with the seatbelt on.) everything.” There is no forethought. Plans are always forgotten in favor of immediate gratification or dwelling on how fucked up the police are for fighting crime and criminal behavior. Reactions are immediate, universal and, of course, ego driven.
            Everything is personal. Since the ego is fragile, Natural Men are equally fragile. Every slight discomfort is an overt effort by “the cops”/deputies to hate. Some of my religious brothers call if The Devil. When the deputy takes away your contraband he’s hating, even though he previously explained he’s trying to teach you to follow the rules, even though he could have punished you severely. “That’s just the devil trying you.” Natural men don’t suffer as groups either. Dorm meetings are full of grumbles – “Why you telling me? Tell that/those niggahs.”
            Let me come back to the natural man statement – “It’s in our nature to sin. We can’t change that.” The Natural Man has the end all be all excuse. It would seem.
            So let’s look at the nature of sin
            In the beginning, there was no sin. There was only one rule in Eden. Don’t eat of the Tree of Good and Evil. Just like diplomatic immunity, being a citizen of one country you can’t be expected to be aware of the obscure law of another country. That, of course, is not a defense of crime anymore due to abuse of that loophole and treaties that followed. It just goes to show – you will be responsible for what you know and only for what you know. If you know nothing, you can be responsible for nothing.
            The knowledge of good and evil brought more than just that knowledge. It brought the responsibility for that knowledge. Knowledge of good and evil and the ensuing responsibility are both a gift and a curse. The curse was obvious. Sin, and it’s consequence, was introduced to the world. Adam and Eve were kicked out of Eden and sorrow and pain were introduced to man’s existence.
            For most people the story ends there, with the curse. And Natural men are the extreme of this paradigm. But read it again. Knowledge of GOOD and evil. There’s a blessing in everything. If you can see that in jail, you can see it anywhere. I went inside those walls prepared to accept a punishment and walked out with a reward. The gift was knowledge, wisdom and understanding all of which we can use to choose between good and evil or right and wrong. We were already created with free will. Now we have the responsibility of making a choice. Knowledge of good and evil meant a choice between good and evil.
            Assuming we evolved from animals, the analogy still holds true. Not only did we develop arms legs and lungs but also intellect. We acquired knowledge. We began to think. We even think about thinking. As such, we still developed the knowledge of good and evil without the creation story. Therefore, evolution still develops for us a choice.
            That choice leads us to become the only animals blessed with the capability of changing our nature. We can be born and raised one way and ascend or descend to anything we choose. We can grow up believing one thing and come to believe the complete opposite or anywhere in between. A worker bee can never bee queen, likewise a queen cannot become a drone. But common man can become King and king can renounce/lose his throne and live a peasant’s life.
            At this stage of human development, it should be simple to change. Unfortunately change is up there higher than public speaking as fears go. The ego will fight hard, tooth and nail, for its comfort zones.  ‘Don’t move to a new town’ ‘You don’t know anyone there. Stay here’ ‘You’re too old to go back to school/to start over’ ‘You’ve been smoking too long to quit’ ‘Withdrawal is painful’ ‘I’m too young to  be married’ ‘Marriage is hard’
            The Natural man calls it staying happy and free. The prototypes are The Nature Boy Ric Flair, Hugh Hefner, Frank Sinatra, The Playboys… He develops a lifestyle that doesn’t promote any growth but is completely comfortable. No matter how macho a natural man comes off, his ego is deeply afraid. Change is coming and it will ruin ego’s pre-established comfort patterns. The natural man is completely unaware all this is going on. He is proud to have a huge ego. It’s warm and cuddly like the womb.
            Without presence of mind we are ruled by our natures aka ego. Knowledge of self kills ego. Hidden within ourselves are hopes and dreams and aspirations. Hidden deep down is change and growth. Not only perspective but a complete paradigm shift comes from listening to something other than ego. Freedom and happiness take on new meaning.
            Presence of mind makes us responsive instead of reactive. We can begin to consider some of the dumbness that comes out of our mouths. “That’s just how I feel.” “I can’t change.” “That’s just me.” We question our motivations. Eventually, we can catch stupidness before it leaves our mouths.
            Truly responsive men will replace ‘grown ass’ natural men. These new men will realize being born into sin only means there is an option. Responsible individuals can choose not to sin. We are born into sin. It’s in our nature. The natural man can tell that shit to God.
            I can envision St. Peter standing at the gates – “Oh really? Born sinning? In your nature? Why don’t you talk to another one of our angels? Just wait over there over that square…” (Trapdoor Sounds)

Natural Men, you’ve been warned…

Good luck with that shit!

            Natural men are the extreme. I only use them to explain behavior that is apparent in ALL of us. After I get rid of the natural men, I’m coming after the rest of you. We must put aside our egos completely if we want to evolve into our better selves. Egos will and must be eradicated in order for our world to not only survive but flourish.
            Remember you have a choice, always! And don’t despair if you make the wrong one. By the grace of God and the power of choice, you’ll get another chance. Keep choosing!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Step 8

I may never fully submit to the rules of AA but they are on to something. Their system of recovery and support is a marvel of simplicity. Like many, many religions, for others, it works. Why ask why? No need to rock the boat. And they are not at all pushy about it. Got to love an ideology that’s not all up in your face.

I have my own higher power and he led me to a freedom similar, if not greater, to that found with AA. I can never give up power to any earthly thing. That only put me at odds with Step one. Then I read A Hunger For Healing. Let’s just say I can’t live in the flesh anymore so I submit to my higher power. In fact, within my own spiritual journey, I am working all the steps. Plus I’m writing a book. (Plug!)

Right now, I want to focus on steps eight, nine and twelve. I’ve been thinking about the people I’ve hurt.

One in particular, stands out. Twice, my actions have caused great hurt to my friend in a way I vowed never to do very early in our relationship. Only now do I realize the devastating harm I have caused by going back on my word. After all this time I pray my friend can forgive me and allow me to make amends.

As a result of my new awakening, I must share with others so they can avoid situations like this. And if they have been in situations like this, hopefully they can make amends. Likewise, I am doing this in order to make my own amends with all parties involved. If I am lucky, they will allow me to do so.

The following is background and apology…

It was fall of 2000 or spring 2001. My mojo was blazing. I was in New Orleans. Part time student, full time party animal. The House was off the chain. The rules were simple. You cross the threshold, you have a shot. Tuesday, Sunday, Wednesday, Day or Night, studying or time for work, it didn’t matter. You obey the rules. The House even had a room specifically designated for fucking. It was called – wait for it…

The Fuck Room! The Fuck Room had it’s rules posted on the door.

This was my life. School became what I did between the last party and the next.

One day I decided to go to a poetry reading. I wrote poetry. I wanted to assess the quality of my fellow poets.

That night I fell in lust. A goddess approached the mic. I had seen her before. She was an earth chick, somewhere between Erykah Badu and Jill Scott but finer. Her long flowing skirts, head wraps and beautiful face was enough. Then she spoke. Her voice was poetic, lyrical, sultry, southern, rhythmic and just lovely. Her words were deep, sexy, intensely sexual, spiritual and moving. And her name was –

I had to have her.

I quickly did my stalking AKA info-gathering thing. It was serendipity. She was friends with a friend of mine. My friend knew me and how I rolled. And my friend was cool. I knew she would hook it up.

One day after Lovely had just walked away from my friend. I hurried to my friend and delivered my now classic line. I cannot share the line. It is too powerful and dangerous in the wrong hands. All I can say is that, most of the time, it works all the time.

Two days later. I got a call from Lovely. The line worked. It’s a conversation piece so we conversated. I was charming in my most Sinatra-ish way, martini glass in hand and all. RIP killer!

She was a real winner. While I was having my way with words, she was enchanting me further. I talked some shit. She backed it up and then some! She had to come to The House – ‘mmediately! Right now! I mean then. (Now that I’m writing this, and remembering things, I mean now too! Right now!)

She came – straight to my room. I had to see what she was talking about. I saw. Wow! Goddess! Soft, Wet, Firm, I can’t say more. Everything was perfect.

Except me.

Let’s just say I had crossed the threshold of The House (see above) quite a few times that day. While it had never been a problem before, I would find soon out just how much of a problem it could be. Very soon.

It was over before it started. For me. For real over! There was nothing poetic, sexy, sultry or rhythmic about it. My pump number was broken. Badly. It was devastating. I would have been demoralized then if she hadn’t given me another shot. (As bas as it was, I needed fifty more shots) She gave me one. She would be back. I went to the kitchen and crossed the threshold one more time (or three).

I was re-demoralized. She came back. She saw The Fuck Room sign. It was another conversation piece. We talked. I touched. We were ready. I was done.

That made TWICE! TWICE! I was in my early twenties and already I had broken my promise. Devastatingly so. I let a goddess walk into and out of my life WAY too quickly. WAYYYY too quickly. SMH

I just drank it off. It may not have happened ever again. (What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas) but this…

This was just too premature. I never thought anything like this would happen this early. I just hope it’s not too late to apologize.

I would like to apologize to for breaking my promise. I said it would never happen and I did it to you twice. It was all my fault. My debauchery caused you to suffer. For that I am truly sorry. If you allow me and if I still have my way with words I will make amends.

I am sober. I am stronger. I got my sexy back. The only thing left is to officially say – Penis, I apologize from the bottom of my heart for gving you The Drunk Dick.

If you and all parties involved are willing, I am totally prepared to make amends…

Macbeth Act 2 Scene 3 “Lechery, sir, it provokes, and unprovokes; it provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance: therefore, much drink may be said to be an equivocator with lechery: it makes him, and it mars him; it sets him on, and it takes him off; it persuades him, and disheartens him; makes him stand to, and not stand to; in conclusion, equivocates him in a sleep, and, giving him the lie, leaves him.”

[Drunk Dick is serious (not as serious as Drunk Pussy) If you or anyone you know suffers from Drunk Dick immediately admit your shortcomings. Repent, seek forgiveness and do your best to make amends as soon as possible. The sooner the better.]

This is in no way endorsed by AA. I respect AA and all the work it’s done. Alcoholism is serious. If you are over 30 and still partying like a rock star (Charlie Sheen), get help. AA may be the place for you. They’re ready when you are.